Being Human Quotes

Annie: It's not interfering, it's more like regime change.
George: Oh, because that's never gone wrong.

TV Show: Being Human
Mitchell: Do you people have any FUCKING idea who I am!? My name is John Mitchell, and I've killed more people than you've met!

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: We're like detectives - Crockett and Tubbs.
George: Or Randall and Hopkirk deceased.

TV Show: Being Human
George: You don't buy any food, you never hoover. I don't think you even know what a pair of Marigolds is!
Mitchell: I don't do Marigolds.

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: We need to talk. So, George, you start.
George: [to Mitchell] Are you Okay?
Mitchell: I've been better. You?
George: Likewise.
Mitchell: We should just go out one night and just get hammered.
George: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Annie: That's it? That's how you share?
George: What more is there to say?
Mitchell: Yeah, he's feeling a bit down, which is pretty understandable, and I'm kind of stressed. We don't need to turn this into an episode of Oprah.
George: Exactly! File it under 'have discussed'.
Mitchell: George do you wanna watch The Real Hustle?
George: Oh I would really like that Mitchell. [to Annie] Women - think you're such authorities, like the way you deal with emotion is the only way.
Mitchell: It's not on!
George: Er, Yeah it is, it's on at 10: 30.
Mitchell: No they moved it.
George: They-what?! No, you're kidding me?!
Mitchell: Oh I don't believe it!
George: No I was looking forward to that.
Mitchell: 10: 30 Thursdays; that's 'Real Hustle time'. A fucking child knows that!
George: Could I just not have one good thing in my life...?
Mitchell: just drives me insane when they move things around...
George: ...don't I deserve it, don't I deserve one bloody crumb of happiness?
Mitchell: ...this is so... what, so we're supposed to check every week! Like we don't have anything else to do! Is it our responsibility? Why's it down to us?!
George: I saw a preview, they were going to do a con about cashpoints.
Mitchell: Really? [George nods] I would have loved that. You bastards! Argh!! [Mitchell flings the TV schedule at the television and walks in

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: I'll haunt you!
Sykes: You can't haunt another ghost.
Annie: I'll give it a damn good go!

TV Show: Being Human
George: There must be some other reason for chatting you up, like access to drugs.
Mitchell: She's a doctor! She can steal her own drugs.
George: Ah, so she's on drugs. That makes perfect sense.
Mitchell: You see, it's pep talks like this I'm really going to miss.

TV Show: Being Human
[George talks about his sudden onset of Tourette's]
George: This can't be happening to me! This can't, I teach language!
Mitchell: [Fighting a snigger] You could teach... bad language!

TV Show: Being Human
[George reads vandalism on a mirror]
George: "Mr. Sands Suck Cocks"? For God's sake! It's "Mr. Sands Sucks Cocks" - singular, not plural. Have I taught you nothing?

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: [after George has stormed out] WOW! Clearly someone's been watching a little too much Gordon Ramsay!

TV Show: Being Human
Mitchell: What? There's no vampires in London?
Herrick: Yeah, but their head guy and I don't, erm... I sort of killed his Mum.

TV Show: Being Human
[Police storm into Mitchell's bedroom]
Police Officer: [To Mitchell] You! Get up!!
Mitchell: It's the library books, isn't it?

TV Show: Being Human
[Annie and George watch as Mitchell is driven away by the police]
Annie: [To George] What's he done?
George: How far back do you want to go?

TV Show: Being Human
George: What's your cat's name, Molly?
Molly: Molly.
George: Your cat's called Molly and you're called Molly?
Molly: My Dad really liked the name. Do you like cats?
George: Yeah, I couldn't eat a whole one though. [To himself] Who am I kidding, of course I could.

TV Show: Being Human
Josie: I'm not scared of you... at least not as scared as I probably should be.
Mitchell: Yeah. You should be terrified. You should be begging for fucking mercy.
Josie: I should be married to David Bowie.

TV Show: Being Human
[George enters the house to see Annie holding a baby]
George: What is that?
Annie: A baby; it's one of mine.
George: How long have I been gone?!

TV Show: Being Human
Kemp: [To Professor Jaggat] You know one of the few things I like about you is that you don't call supper 'tea'. There are many things I hate in this modern world: secularism, showbiz news, but tea is barbaric.

TV Show: Being Human
George: My mother's maiden name is Herod, my internet password is 'password1', I'm indifferent about all competitive sports, and I prefer lager to beer. I don't understand fishing, what is fishing? I'm scared of cancer, I voice hypocritical objections to drive-through takeaways, and I lost my virginity on a canal boat in Tring.
Sam: Favourite colour?
George: That would be gamboges - it's a kind of orangey brown.

TV Show: Being Human
Mitchell: You're not scared of me?
Jaggat: No, at least probably not as much as I should be.
Mitchell: What did you say?

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: George, I didn't think you would seriously go through with it. I thought the moment would just pass. You know, like when you decided you were gonna wear skinny jeans.
Mitchell: Skinny jeans?
George: That was a private conversation.
Mitchell: Skinny jeans, George? Seriously?
George: It... it was a moment of madness.
Annie: No, this is a moment of madness! You cannot move in with someone you've just started dating! Tell him, Mitchell!
Mitchell: Skinny jeans, George?!?
George: Yes, yes, alright... look, where the hell were you last night?
Mitchell: I was with Lucy. We, er... we finally, um... You know. Decided to, em...
Annie: Oh, this is like the problem pages of Just 17. You had sex, Mitchell. Sex.
Mitchell: Yeah.

TV Show: Being Human
Robin: Christmas 1998. Faulty panto pyrotechnic. One minute I'm standing in the wings watching Widow Twankey belt out a chorus of "La Vida Loca" the next? Bang! Flat out on my back with every hair on my body standing to attention.
Annie: Gosh, that's awful.
Robin: It was a terrible shock.
Annie: Yeah, I bet it was.
Robin: No I mean literally, it was a terrible shock. That's what killed me.

TV Show: Being Human
Annie: You can say it, George. I'm not gonna cry or anything.
George: We've found a new house and we're gonna stay there tonight.
Annie: [Annie starts to sob] Oh, God!

TV Show: Being Human
Ivan: I'm just one step away from wiping out an entire branch of Argos.

TV Show: Being Human
Mitchell: Look. You just spread the word, OK. I want everyone there.
Ivan: Just leave it to me. I've got most of them on my Twitter feed, so...

TV Show: Being Human
Ivan: You should've said it was about love. I get it now. We all lead long and appalling lives. But I have my Daisy. Everyone deserves a Daisy.

TV Show: Being Human
Sam: [To George] You know, it's like you're still there. Sat in that house with Mitchell, watching The Real Hustle, surrounded by cups of cold tea.

TV Show: Being Human
Nina: They might have a cure.
George: For what?
Nina: Cystitis. What do you think?!

TV Show: Being Human
George: Right, so we have a defrocked priest and a mad scientist. No, no alarm bells ringing so far.

TV Show: Being Human
Message from Tully

TV Show: Being Human
Lucy Jaggat: I saw Amy McBride this morning.
Kemp: Amy McBride is dead.
Lucy Jaggat: She spoke to me. She said, "It's coming."
Kemp: What is?
Lucy Jaggat: Retribution, my stuff from Amazon... she didn't go into detail.

TV Show: Being Human