Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon Quote

Minako Aino: [Minako's voice] Everyone, I'm thinking you're surprised that something like this happened so suddenly. I guess I'm surprised too. I'm sure Mars is angry. But I don't regret this. Because I was able to live right and proper as Aino Minako, in the end. Only, I do feel regret that I haven't yet fulfilled the mission of the past life. If I keep writing that though, Mars will be angry again. But, that we were born carrying a past life is the truth. When we overcome that, I think that we will be our true selves. Just like how I became as I am. I'm sorry that I am not able to fight with you to the end. Princess... Usagi... please change the planet's destiny. And that goes for the rest of you too. Because I believe that you will change what I haven't been able to change. And lastly, Artemis. Thank you for everything up until now. I love you.

Movie: Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon


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