Black Panther Quotes

Black Panther
T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past.
PG-13 | 2h 14min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 16 February 2018 (USA)
M'Baku: If you say one more word, I'll feed you to my children! [Ross shuts up, beat]
M'Baku: I'm kidding. We're vegetarians.
M'Baku: I'm kidding. We're vegetarians.
Movie: Black Panther
T'Challa: Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We can not. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we, as brothers and sisters on this earth, should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe.
Movie: Black Panther
Everett K. Ross: [after he wakes up]Is this Wakanda?
Shuri: [sarcastically]No, it's Kansas.
Shuri: [sarcastically]No, it's Kansas.
Movie: Black Panther
T'Challa: We can still heal you...
Erik Killmonger: Why, so you can lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.
Erik Killmonger: Why, so you can lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.
Movie: Black Panther
King T'Chaka: [to T'Challa]You're a good man with a good heart. And it's hard for a good man to be king.
Movie: Black Panther
Okoye: Just don't freeze when you see her.
T'Challa: What are taking about? I never freeze.
T'Challa: What are taking about? I never freeze.
Movie: Black Panther
Nakia: You can't let your father's mistakes define who you are. You get to decide what kind of king you are going to be.
Movie: Black Panther
Erik Killmonger: I've waited my whole life for this. The world's going to start over. I'MA BURN IT ALL!
Movie: Black Panther
Ulysses Klaue: What do you actually know about Wakanda?
Everett K. Ross: Um... Shepherds. Textiles. Cool outfits.
Ulysses Klaue: It's all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. El Dorado. The Golden City. They thought they could find it in South America, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man. Isipho, they call it. The gift.
Everett K. Ross: Um... Shepherds. Textiles. Cool outfits.
Ulysses Klaue: It's all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. El Dorado. The Golden City. They thought they could find it in South America, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man. Isipho, they call it. The gift.
Movie: Black Panther
[Shuri drives a car and runs over someone] Shuri: What was that?
T'Challa: Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!
T'Challa: Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!
Movie: Black Panther
T'Challa: My suit is good.
Shuri: Old tech. Functional, but old. People are shooting at me - wait, let me put my helmet on!
Shuri: Old tech. Functional, but old. People are shooting at me - wait, let me put my helmet on!
Movie: Black Panther
Everett K. Ross: [to T'Challa]I have seen gods fly. I have seen men build weapons that I couldn't even imagine. I have seen aliens drop from the sky. But I have never seen anything like this. How much more are you hiding?
Movie: Black Panther
Shuri: [as a fatally wounded Everett Ross is wheeled into her lab]Great! Another broken white boy for us to fix.
Movie: Black Panther
[first lines] N'Jadaka: Baba...
N'Jobu: Yes, my son.
N'Jadaka: Tell me a story.
N'Jobu: Which one?
N'Jadaka: The story of home.
N'Jobu: Millions of years ago, a meteorite made of vibranium, the strongest substance in the universe, struck the continent of Africa, affecting the plant life around it. And when the time of man came, five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda. The tribes lived in constant war with each other until a warrior shaman received a vision from the Panther Goddess Bast, who led him to the Heart-Shaped Herb, a plant that granted him superhuman strength, speed and instincts. The warrior became king and the first Black Panther, the protector of Wakanda. Four tribes agreed to live under the king's rule, but the Jabari Tribe isolated themselves in the mountains. The Wakandans used vibranium to develop technology more advanced than any other nation. But as Wakanda thrived, the world around it descended further into chaos. To keep vibranium safe, the Wakandans vowed to hide in plain sight, keeping the truth of their power from the outside world.
N'Jadaka: And we still hide, Baba?
N'Jobu: Yes.
N'Jadaka: Why?
N'Jobu: Yes, my son.
N'Jadaka: Tell me a story.
N'Jobu: Which one?
N'Jadaka: The story of home.
N'Jobu: Millions of years ago, a meteorite made of vibranium, the strongest substance in the universe, struck the continent of Africa, affecting the plant life around it. And when the time of man came, five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda. The tribes lived in constant war with each other until a warrior shaman received a vision from the Panther Goddess Bast, who led him to the Heart-Shaped Herb, a plant that granted him superhuman strength, speed and instincts. The warrior became king and the first Black Panther, the protector of Wakanda. Four tribes agreed to live under the king's rule, but the Jabari Tribe isolated themselves in the mountains. The Wakandans used vibranium to develop technology more advanced than any other nation. But as Wakanda thrived, the world around it descended further into chaos. To keep vibranium safe, the Wakandans vowed to hide in plain sight, keeping the truth of their power from the outside world.
N'Jadaka: And we still hide, Baba?
N'Jobu: Yes.
N'Jadaka: Why?
Movie: Black Panther
T'Challa: If you weren't so stubborn, you would make a great queen.
Nakia: I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn.
Nakia: I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn.
Movie: Black Panther
Shuri: This corset is really uncomfortable, so can we all just wrap it up and go home?
Movie: Black Panther
King T'Chaka: What is wrong, my son?
T'Challa: I am not ready, Baba.
King T'Chaka: Have you not prepared to be king your whole life? Have you not trained and studied, been by my side?
T'Challa: That is not what I am talking about. I am not ready to be without you.
King T'Chaka: A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. Have I ever failed you?
King T'Chaka: Never.
T'Challa: I am not ready, Baba.
King T'Chaka: Have you not prepared to be king your whole life? Have you not trained and studied, been by my side?
T'Challa: That is not what I am talking about. I am not ready to be without you.
King T'Chaka: A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. Have I ever failed you?
King T'Chaka: Never.
Movie: Black Panther
Everett K. Ross: [T'Challa leaves a craps table]Hey, you won!
Thirsty Gambler: You know what? I'm just going to take these chips and set them over here.
Thirsty Gambler: You know what? I'm just going to take these chips and set them over here.
Movie: Black Panther
Everett K. Ross: Why don't you give me the name of your supplier and I'll ask them?
Ulysses Klaue: He's right outside. Why don't you ask him yourself?
Ulysses Klaue: He's right outside. Why don't you ask him yourself?
Movie: Black Panther
Erik Killmonger: I lived my entire life waiting for this moment. I trained, I lied, I killed just to get here. I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq... I took life from my own brothers and sisters right here on this continent! And all this death just so I could kill you.
Movie: Black Panther
Everett K. Ross: Quite the entourage, do you have a mixtape coming out?
Ulysses Klaue: Actually yeah there is, I'll send you the Sound cloud [to his guard]
Ulysses Klaue: do you have the link?
Ulysses Klaue: Actually yeah there is, I'll send you the Sound cloud [to his guard]
Ulysses Klaue: do you have the link?
Movie: Black Panther