Blue Heelers Quote

Jonesy: Your mug half empty, mate?
Alex: Just, ah, contemplating the universe.
Jonesy: Is it a private conversation or can anyone join in?
Alex: When you think about it, you know, two bodies that have been revolving around each other for some time. Equal mass, although one may be thicker than the other...
Jonesy: Are you sure this is, ah, coffee you've been drinking?
Alex: a really powerful force of attraction, mate. I mean, these two bodies...they just, they just wanna crash into each other, but something's holding them back. Inertia, maybe? I dunno. But they're...locked in orbit. It could go on forever.
Jonesy: Sounds depressing.
Alex: It is. Get your act together, mate. Ask her out.
Jonesy: Who?
Alex: Who do you think?

TV Show: Blue Heelers


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