Blue Heelers Quotes

Tom (to Mark): Bodies piling up outside and you're flogging chocolates.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Bill: I thought you couldn't be seen with me.
Amy: Just making sure you don't nick any stationery on your way out.
Bill: I thought I was a serial killer.
Amy: Still need stationery.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Mark: You're asleep on your feet.
Amy: I was resting my eyes.
Mark: Yes, that's exactly what I tell Penny when I'm nodding off in front of the tele.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Garth (of Ngaire's house): Not exactly a party chick, was she?
Amy: You're all heart, Garth.
Garth: I can be, given the chance.
Amy: Let's just stick to the matter at hand, shall we?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Did he ever talk about his family.
Amy: Hardly ever, that was probably the attraction.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: If he comes back here, I give you permission to use your weapon on him. Garth leaves And if you leave your post again, I will use mine on you.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Amy: I'm no one special. Worse off than some. Better off than others.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly: Go easy, Joss!
Jaimie: Yeah, Joss, go easy!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex (of the dead man): The suspect was...hanging around...

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Mark: Have you thought about a massage?
Alex: Thanks Sarge, but I hardly know you.
Susie: Let me try.
Amy: Try strangling him instead.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Jonesy: I gave you plenty of warning!
Alex: Yeah, then you just dropped him on me!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex: So, do you torture for a living?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex (while being massaged): Doc, please! I've got a low pain threshold!
Dr. Hunter: Just try to relax.
Alex: Okay, I promise. No more bad jokes.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Mark: Yeah, it's been a popular car over the last thirty years.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Joss: It's about time they treated us with some respect.
Kelly: Joss. You're holding a melon, mate.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex (about the ball-bearing shooter): Mate, it's so's beautiful.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Joss: Should've just thumped that little jerk.
Mark: Hey, Joss. Don't go around thumping members of the general public, alright? ESD has a slight problem with it. Gives us a bad name.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex (to boys): Don't you ever clean out your pizza boxes?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Susie (to Alex): I don't want to put the hard word on you, but I don't want to be palmed off again.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Susie (to Alex): Put some extra sugar in your coffee. It might help.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly: This is our chance to get sacked.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly (to Joss): You won't be sacked. The Boss likes having you to kick around.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly: I'm sorry?
Joss: I was wrong. Jamie Hunter had nothing to do with the bomb. But the evi...

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Kelly clears her throat loudly.]
Joss: Alright, I was wrong. What else?
Kelly: The garage?
Joss: The garage was a stupid idea.
Kelly: And whose idea was it?
Joss: It was mine.
Kelly: I'm sorry Kelly for dragging you into it.
Joss: Yes, I'm sorry.
Kelly: It was dumb.
Joss: Hmm, alright.
Kelly: I am an idiot.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Joss mumbles in Italian.]
Kelly: I'm sorry?
Joss: Uh, that's Italian for I'm really terribly sorry.
Kelly: Hmm. Variation on scuzez, huh?
Joss: Yeah, that's right.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Joss: I felt resposible for what happened, so I'm glad you're alright. So much so that I got you something.
Kelly: What is it?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Joss gives Kelly the bag.]
Kelly: Thanks.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Kelly pulls out a bunch of bananas.]
Kelly: Did you even pay for these?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Jonesy: I saw that.
Susie: What? Nothing happened.
Jonesy: You smiled.
Susie: I used to perm my hair.
Jonesy: So?
Susie: It was the nineties.
Jonesy: Touche. I tried to impress a girl once by singing Love Me Tender. To her cat.
Susie: Did it work?
Jonesy: Her cat was obsessed with me after that.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Susie laughs.]
Jonesy: There you go. Twice. I win.
Susie: I thought I knew most of your disaster stories.
Jonesy: Not all of them, no.
Susie: Is there more?
Jonesy: Yeah. But I'll hold off on them. Gotta keep something in store.
Susie: Yeah for when I have another day like today. Tonight was fun.
Jonesy: Fun. Is that it?

TV Show: Blue Heelers