Bones Quote

[Booth, Brennan, Cam and Hodgins look on in shock as Dr. Sweets and Daisy kiss on the forensic platform.]
Hodgins: I am shocked.
Brennan: Yeah. They should not be doing that on the forensic platform.
Cam: That's a method of termination I've never tried. Bravo, Dr. Sweets.
Booth: They'll never work. They're, like, complete opposites.
Brennan: I agree. For all her faults, she's a woman of science. Sweets bases his life on the vagaries of psychology and emotion. There's no common ground.
Booth: Right.
Brennan: You need common ground. What else is there?
Booth: Absolutely.
[Booth and Brennan look at each other as Sweets and Daisy walk away together.]

TV Show: Bones


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