Bones Quote
Brennan: Her skeletal robusticity and large areas of muscle attachment suggest extremely good health.
Cam: A couple of weeks in the desert and no critters got at these remains?
Wendel: Perhaps there was a lot of green radiation from alien hyperdrive systems? [Cam and Brennan look at him strangely] Or something not crazy.
Brennan: The man who found them remarked that he saw several set of orange eyes staring at him from the darkness.
Wendel: Orange eyeballed aliens?
Brennan: Tapetum lucidum of the American coyote glows orange when light strikes the retina. What he saw were likely coyotes, not orange eyeballed aliens. Oh, you're being facetious. That was funny.
Cam: A couple of weeks in the desert and no critters got at these remains?
Wendel: Perhaps there was a lot of green radiation from alien hyperdrive systems? [Cam and Brennan look at him strangely] Or something not crazy.
Brennan: The man who found them remarked that he saw several set of orange eyes staring at him from the darkness.
Wendel: Orange eyeballed aliens?
Brennan: Tapetum lucidum of the American coyote glows orange when light strikes the retina. What he saw were likely coyotes, not orange eyeballed aliens. Oh, you're being facetious. That was funny.
TV Show: Bones