Bright Eyes Quote

Adele Martin: Can't you forget the past?

James 'Loop' Merritt: Sure. I can forget a lot of things. I can forget that you and I were in love, and we were engaged to be married, and you walked out on me. All that is as dead as this.
[tosses away a burnt match]

James 'Loop' Merritt: But I can't forget that you made a fool of me. A man remembers something like that.

Adele Martin: Would it make any difference if I said I'm sorry?

James 'Loop' Merritt: Not a bit. It's a little too late. But you didn't come all the way over here just to tell me that, did you?

Adele Martin: No. I came to talk about Shirley. The Smythes want her to come and live with them.

James 'Loop' Merritt: Wait a minute. You mean that you and Uncle Ned sold the Smythes the idea, and they don't like it any too well, but in order to keep in good with Uncle Ned, they'll do it. Well, you can't have her.

Adele Martin: Don't let your feelings for me interfere with the little girl's future. I know her father was your best friend. I know you love her very dearly. You must surely see that she can't live here in a barracks with a lot of men!

Movie: Bright Eyes


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