Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quote

[Intercut between flashbacks of New York City, 1977, and present-day Sunnydale. Flashback Spike battles Nikki Wood while Modern Spike narrates and demonstrates to Buffy in sync.]
Spike: The first was all business, but the second -- she had a touch of your style. She was cunning, resourceful... oh, did I mention? Hot. I could have danced all night with that one.
Buffy: You think we're dancing?
Spike: That's all we've ever done. And the thing about the dance is... you never get to stop. Every day you wake up, it's the same bloody question that haunts you: "Is today the day I die?"
[Flashback Spike has Nikki pinned. Both narrate.]
Flashback Spike: Death is your art.
Spike: You make it with your hands, day after day.
Flashback Spike: That final gasp. That look of peace.
Spike: Part of you is desperate to know: "What's it like? Where does it lead you?"
Flashback Spike: And now, you see, that's the secret. Not the punch you didn't throw, or the kicks you didn't land. She merely wanted it. Every Slayer... has a death wish.
[Flashback Spike snaps Nikki’s neck]
Flashback Spike: Even you. The only reason you've lasted as long as you have is you've got ties to the world... your mum, your brat kid sister, the Scoobies. They all tie you here, but you're just putting off the inevitable. Sooner or later, you're gonna want it. And the second- the second - [Both Spikes clap their hands together inches from Buffy's face]
Spike: ... That happens... You know I'll be there. I'll slip in... have myself a real good day. Here endeth the lesson.

TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer


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