Buster Quote

Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: How'd you get on?
Barnes Wallace: It's hopeless.
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: What happened?
Barnes Wallace: Nothing. I walked up and down Whitehall. In and out of offices. Up and down stairs. Sat outside rooms. I felt like a peddlar trying to sell clockwork toys.
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: I wish there was something I could do.
Barnes Wallace: There is, Mutt.
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: What?
Barnes Wallace: Let's take the whole thing straight to Bomber Command.
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: Harris?
Barnes Wallace: Yes! You're one of the few men that really know him. If he sees the films and gets interested... Well, it'll only need one word from him. [sees Mutt shaking his head]
Barnes Wallace: Why not?
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: Well, there's a bit of a snag there. See, he gets so innundated with fantastic inventions...
Barnes Wallace: Oh, that's ridiculous! Everything he's using had to have been invented. Look, if you tell him that it's worthwhile he'll listen to you, won't he?
Capt. Joseph Summers, CBE: I'll do what I can... But don't blame me if he throws us both out of the window.

Movie: Buster


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