Calendar Girls Quotes

Marie: I'd like to welcome Alan Rathbone from York. He's here to tell us about the history of the milk marketing board.

Movie: Calendar Girls
Ruth: Well, I think it's a great idea.
Cora: You weren't concentrating, were you Ruth?
Ruth: I was. We're going to raise money to buy a sofa for the hospital in John's name.
Celia: By posing for a nude calendar!
Ruth: Oh no!
Chris: Oh sit down. I'm not asking you to straddle an 'Arley Davidson.
Celia: It's still a bit of a leap from Burnsall church, love.
Chris: That's the 'ole point. It's an alternative calendar, it's...
Annie: It's what John suggested.
Chris: Did he?
Annie: The last stage of the flower is the most glorious. So what this calendar would be saying is actually, yes John, we agree.
Ruth: With respect, I didn't hear him use the phrase whip your bras off

Movie: Calendar Girls
Annie: Bad girl.
Chris: Bun toucher.

Movie: Calendar Girls
Chris: This isn't bakery, it's Zulu!

Movie: Calendar Girls
Chris: You cannot stand it. You cannot stand that *I* have made this calendar a success.
Annie: No. You see, what's happened Chris is that this calendar has made *you* a success.

Movie: Calendar Girls