Call Me by Your Name Quote

Oliver: [to Elio playing the guitar]Sounds nice.
Elio: I thought you didn't like it.
Oliver: [looks at Elio, looks away again]Play it again, will you?
Elio: [walks into the house]Follow me.
Oliver: [Elio plays the piano]That sounds different; did you change it?
Elio: I changed it a little bit.
Oliver: Why?
Elio: I just played it the way Liszt would have played it if he'd altered Bach's version.
Oliver: Play that again.
Elio: Play what again?
Oliver: The thing you played outside.
Elio: Oh, you want me to play the thing I played outside?
Oliver: Please.
Oliver: [after Elio plays]I can't believe you changed it again!
Elio: Oh, I changed it a little bit.
Oliver: Yeah. Why?
Elio: I just played it the way Busoni would have played it if he'd altered Liszt's version.
Oliver: And what is wrong with Bach the way Bach would have played Bach's version?
Elio: [interrupting]Bach never wrote it for the guitar. In fact, they're not even sure Bach even wrote it.
Oliver: Forget I asked!
Elio: [Elio plays]It's young Bach. He dedicated it to his brother.

Movie: Call Me by Your Name


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