Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death Quote

[first lines] [Fred and Sam are hacking their way through the Avocado Jungle with machetes, then pause to take stock of their situation]
Fred: We're lost.
Sam: No, we're not - look! Over there! [the camera zooms in on an avocado hanging from a twig. The two guys approach it, and Sam pulls the avocado into his hand. Fred takes it and stashes away]
Fred: Sam.
Sam: Yeah?
Fred: I think we should head back. We're getting in too deep.
Sam: Oh, don't - Wait a second. What's that I hear? It sounds like... women! Laughing!
Fred: Let's get outta here.
Sam: No, no, come on, man, don't be such a coward. Let's check this out! [He gleefully pushes the foliage aside and strides forward; Fred follows. A small waterfall roars down into an idyllic scene: a pond filled with gorgeous women who have bare breasts and perfect tans. They are giggling, diving, and splashing around]
Sam: Look at them! They're beautiful! Aren't they the most lovely, sensuous, inviting women you've ever seen?
Fred: Let's get outta here.
Sam: What are you, nuts? Look at them!
Fred: They're dangerous!
Sam: They don't look dangerous. [a brunette tosses a ball to a blonde. It's all very innocent-seeming]
Sam: They look... lonely. [Fred looks at him incredulously]
Fred: [whispering] We have to get out of here.
Sam: Yeah? Well, I'm gonna go introduce myself. Yoohoo! Ladies! Ladies! [a moment later, the Amazons are armed with bows and arrows. Sam falls dead with an astonished look on his fa

Movie: Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death


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