Cat Ballou Quotes

Cat: And the first time I ask you to do something for me, like rob one little train!

Movie: Cat Ballou
Frankie Ballou: Well now, there's a game for a sheriff - liar's poker. We got our unemployed off the street and made Wolf City safe all in one brilliant stroke.

Movie: Cat Ballou
Kid Sheleen: Yeah, it's all over in Dodge. Tombstone, too; Cheyenne, Deadwood, all gone, all dead and gone. Why, the last time I came through Tombstone, the big excitement there was about the new rollerskate rink that they had laid out over the OK Corral. I'll tell you something else, I used to work for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show and a Congress of Rough Riders. And I rescued many stagecoach passengers from road agents and drunkard injuns... in the nick of time! Twice a day, three times on Saturday.

Movie: Cat Ballou
Professor Sam The Shade, The Sunrise Kid: [singing] Cat Ballou, wicked through and through / They'll now be hanging Cat Ballou.

Movie: Cat Ballou
Sir Harry Percival: [shows her the bedroom on the train] This is the master bedroom. Do you approve?
Cat: Oh, it's swell. A regular Tintoretto!

Movie: Cat Ballou
[to Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall Gang]
Cat: Some gang of cutthroats and murderers. We used to whisper your names when we were kids - scared to say them out loud. How sad - you got old.

Movie: Cat Ballou