Central Intelligence Quote

Jared the Airport Security Guard: Sir, you cannot be in here. This is a private airfield.
Calvin Joyner: I understand that but I have an organ in this cooler right now that needs to be transported ASAP.
Jared the Airport Security Guard: Really? Because my sister-in-law had a heart transplant last year and they did not bring it in a Playmate lunch cooler.
Calvin Joyner: Well, I hate to break it to you, but this, this is not a, uh... This is not a heart.
Jared the Airport Security Guard: Oh, it's not a heart?
Calvin Joyner: No, it's not.
Jared the Airport Security Guard: Hmm. What is it then?
Calvin Joyner: It's a dick.
Jared the Airport Security Guard: Okay. I am made of questions right now.

Movie: Central Intelligence


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