Chain Quote

[Captain Hook ambushes Sora's party on the deck of his ship]
Captain Hook: I'll teach you to stow away on Captain Hook's vessel! Friends of Peter Pan, I'll wager!
Donald Duck: Are we his friends?
Goofy Goof: He sure didn't seem to think so.
Sora: Yeah, the way he took off like that. He even ditched Wendy.
Captain Hook: I'm not finished talking yet! How dare you ignore me and plot behind my back! Uncivilized brats! You're in cahoots with Peter Pan, no mistake!
Sora: If you say so. Either way, you're gonna let us off this ship.
Goofy Goof: And Wendy's coming with us.
Captain Hook: Think again, you scallywags! Hook's one step ahead of you! [Wendy is seen with her hands tied behind her back and standing on the edge of a gangplank]
Sora: Wendy!
Captain Hook: Any trouble, and Wendy swims with the sharks!
Donald Duck: You wouldn't!
Captain Hook: Believe me, I'd rather not. After all, I need Wendy to lure out that blasted Peter Pan!

Movie: Chain


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