Charles II - The Power and the Passion (mini) Quotes

King Charles II: It's all been for nothing, Nell. The cause that gave my life meaning, will die with me. I fought to restore everything that was lost when my father was murdered but James will destroy it all. I know that, I've always known that.
Nell Gwynn: Then why did you fight so hard for him?
King Charles II: Not for him, for the principle. For the rights of Kings. Parliament will have its victory in the end.
Nell Gwynn: You know what I think about politics; it's all a lot of foolish men scheming to ruin each other for no reason anyone can remember a few years later. If it was up to me, I'd give the throne to Monmouth. Because, in my opinion, a King should always be handsome. [laughs]
King Charles II: Sweet Nell, how much better the world might be if it were arranged to your liking.

Movie: Charles II - The Power and the Passion (mini)