Charmed Quote

Cole: Phoebe, if what I found out is true, Prue is in serious trouble. She's being forced to marry a warlock.
Phoebe: Figures that bitch would steal Piper's thunder!
Cole: You don't understand. A high-level priestess named Dantalian is rumored to have married them. She's got the power to turn her evil, and turn you evil too. That's what's happening here.
Phoebe: So? Isn't that the way you want me? [she kisses him passionately again]
Cole: No, that is not how I want you to be. It is not how I want us to be. Our only chance is if we're both ... good.
Phoebe: Love is love.
Cole: There is no such thing as evil love. It's only gratification, lust.

TV Show: Charmed


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