Charmed Quote

(Prue pops the attic door open, and she, Piper and Phoebe rush in. While Prue and Piper run to Leo, Phoebe stares at Belthazor.)
Belthazor: Phoebe ...
Piper: (bending over Leo) What did you do to him?! (Belthazor changes back into Cole)
Phoebe: I saw what you did.
Cole: It's not what it looks like, it wasn't ...
Phoebe: Janna is dead and Leo is unconscious. What else could it be?
Cole: Raynor forced me. I had no choice.
Phoebe: There's always a choice, Cole!
Cole: (looks at the potion) The potion. (reaches for it, but Phoebe grabs it) Before it's too late ...
Phoebe: It's already too late. You killed an innocent woman, there is no turning back from that.
Cole: I didn't wanna kill her, you've gotta understand that. I can still be good.
Phoebe: There's nothing good in you anymore.
Prue: Maybe there never was. You have to read the spell to activate the amulets, right? I mean, Cole, maybe that was your plan all along, to get the Book.
Piper: But evil can't use the amulets or the Book.
Phoebe He could have if he'd stripped his powers. (her voice raising) Is that why you wanted the potion, Cole? So you could get the spell and use the amulets against us?!
Cole: Phoebe, you've gotta believe me.
Piper: I think she's believed you one too many times.
Cole: Stay outta this! This is between her and me.
Phoebe: There's nothing between us anymore.
Cole: Phoebe, don't let Raynor take this away from us. Don't let him win.
Phoebe: Raynor didn't set me up. You set me up. What am I supposed to do?
Cole: (reaches for the potion) Please, save me.
Phoebe: Save yourself. (She smashes the potion to the ground. Cole s

TV Show: Charmed


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