Charmed Quotes

Leo: Hey, did you just freeze me?
Piper: No dear. The Angel of Destiny did.

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: I'm a demon with a soul, Phoebe. It's rather unique to the cosmos.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Havin' a crappy day?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Piper: Cole?
Phoebe: Yeah.

TV Show: Charmed
Angel of Destiny: By the way, thought you'd like to know, neither decision would've affected yours and Leo's personal destiny.
Piper: What?
Angel of Destiny: You'll find out soon.
Phoebe: Oh my god.
Piper: What?
Phoebe: Don't you get it?
Piper: What?
Phoebe: Don't you get it? She's pregnant!
Piper: Who's pregnant? I'm pregnant?
Phoebe: Hi baby.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Baby Book. My baby book. Oh, look how squishy I was!
Leo: Hmm, you were so adorable.
Piper: Leo, you can't even see the picture.
Leo: I'm your whitelighter, I've been watching you ever since you were a baby.
Piper: Uh huh. Yeh, see that's too creepy to think about.

TV Show: Charmed
Paige: That's actually the most fun I've seen Phoebe have since Cole died.
Leo: Which time?

TV Show: Charmed
Craig: Who are you people?
Paige: Witch.
Leo: Angel.
Phoebe: Mermaid.
Paige: Don't you mean Witch?

TV Show: Charmed
Piper, Phoebe, and Paige: Powers of the witches rise,
Find a hag who speaks in lies,
Balance chakras, focus chi,
Lead us through the cruel, cruel sea.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Leo, she said Tidal Waves. How far do Tidal Waves travel!?

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Will you slow down on this magic kick. Look at your hair, it's still red from the potion you blew up last night.
Paige: Do you have any idea how much this would cost in the salon?

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: Too many people talking at once.
Phoebe: You see, Cole, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Good people don't turn other people into water coolers!

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: Wait, before you say anything.
Paige: Not to say, do, because I'm about to orb your family jewels far, far away.
Cole: Yeah, that would hurt.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Locked in, boxed in, full of fear,
My panic grows manic 'til I can't hear,
In need of reprieve so that I can breathe
Remove my fear, please make it leave.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Okay, how?
Piper: I don't know! Get in touch with your inner fish!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Ouch!
Leo: Sorry I was a medic, not a vet.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Yep, a demon chased her home.
Piper: Well that was nice of him.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Will someone please get me back to the ocean before i suffocate? i need the water!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: (About demon) Well,i have to thank him,then kill him.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: You are holding me hostage!
Paige: Yep looks like it.
Phoebe: Look I am not a common goldfish. I cannot ignore the call of the sea!
Paige: Well the call of the common bathtub is just gonna have to do.

TV Show: Charmed

TV Show: Charmed
Paige: Open Phoebe's heart to Cole,
Reveal the secrets that it holds,
Bring forth the passion of love's fire,
That he may feel her true desire.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Okay...I've had enough. Your treatment of me is shocking.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Oh look out Phoebe, he's packing a seashell.

TV Show: Charmed
Paige: Tide of evil, washed ashore,
Bring it's darkness ever more,
With all our strength we fight this fate,
Make this evil obliterate.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Shh! Pheobe's doing a news report in there!
Paige: In the bathroom?

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Like the power of two and a half

TV Show: Charmed
Paige: Weve got to do something before she does something stupid like giving Nancy O'Dell a exclusive with Necktron

TV Show: Charmed
Pheobe: No,this is not happening. This goes way beyond stalking.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I dont want my baby to turn into a guinea pig

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: And besides, every other mother to be does not have to worry about her child orbing out to Tahiti when they are sent to their room.

TV Show: Charmed