China Beach Quote

McMurphy: What's going on? Hey c'mon you know sometimes when things are rough it helps to just talk.
Beckett: It does?
McMurphy: Sure.
Beckett: How?
McMurphy: Well, for instance: today hasn't been that great of a day for me, right? And if I just carried it around not get it off my shoulders than tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be worse. You know, like, Natch will still be gone… and I'll wonder for how long… I... I'll worry about him all day… wonder why I put him off for so long… and that day will go by, all the wounded men, men I don't know… so young so damaged, so much pain… away from people who care about them or even know them. And there was this one man I…. did care about or could've maybe even…. Love… and didn't.
Beckett: [looking more depressed] Thanks for coming by Mc. M. it really helped.

TV Show: China Beach


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