Clone High Quote
Gandhi: Geldemore! But, where's the princess?
Geldemore: Closer than you think, Gandhi. Use the Amulet.
[Gandhi uses the amulet; Geldemore becomes slightly more humanoid but is still very much unicorn-ish.]
Geldemore: It was I, all along. As a reward for your bravery and leadership, I shall thrice lay you.
Gandhi: Uhhh, that's—, that's cool. But [cough] I'm good.
Geldemore: But, but, but I shall thrice lay you.
Gandhi: Uh, I just ate, and they say you shouldn't lay thrice, uh, after eating. Uh [cough] thank you.
Geldemore: We could just do coffee first. It doesn't have to be a big deal.
Gandhi: It's just, um, I've got to be up early.
Geldemore: Oh—, Ok, alright, that's fine. I'm kinda seeing someone anyway.
Gandhi: Well, uh, thanks for the trippy adventure through my subconscious, huh. I'll call you.
Geldemore: Oh, ok, great.
Gandhi: You know, maybe we could, uh, hang out, uh, but, you know, not—
Geldemore: Sure, sometime, maybe.
Gandhi: —not lay.
Geldemore: Whatever. I'm listed, in Santa Monica.
Geldemore: Closer than you think, Gandhi. Use the Amulet.
[Gandhi uses the amulet; Geldemore becomes slightly more humanoid but is still very much unicorn-ish.]
Geldemore: It was I, all along. As a reward for your bravery and leadership, I shall thrice lay you.
Gandhi: Uhhh, that's—, that's cool. But [cough] I'm good.
Geldemore: But, but, but I shall thrice lay you.
Gandhi: Uh, I just ate, and they say you shouldn't lay thrice, uh, after eating. Uh [cough] thank you.
Geldemore: We could just do coffee first. It doesn't have to be a big deal.
Gandhi: It's just, um, I've got to be up early.
Geldemore: Oh—, Ok, alright, that's fine. I'm kinda seeing someone anyway.
Gandhi: Well, uh, thanks for the trippy adventure through my subconscious, huh. I'll call you.
Geldemore: Oh, ok, great.
Gandhi: You know, maybe we could, uh, hang out, uh, but, you know, not—
Geldemore: Sure, sometime, maybe.
Gandhi: —not lay.
Geldemore: Whatever. I'm listed, in Santa Monica.
TV Show: Clone High