Code Geass Quote

[Lloyd, Cécile, Nina, Suzaku, and Anya are discussing plans for an impending attack on Tokyo]
Cécile Croomy: Huh? Mount the FLEIJA onto the Lancelot?
Lloyd Asplund: Well, the intention was for Suzaku to pilot the Guren, but…
Suzaku Kururugi: [surprised] The Guren?
Cécile: Sorry, he's right. I got so carried away I forgot. It's just, Lloyd and I got so wrapped up in our little hobby that we--
Suzaku: Hobby?
Lloyd: Rakshata's mechanisms are quite easy to tinker with. Now it's so souped up it can't be flown! End result, you're our little devicer again!
Nina Einstein: Excuse me, Professor Lloyd? Now that you've mentioned the Lancelot--
Lloyd: You wouldn't mix up a strategic weapon with a tactical one, would you?
Nina: I have thought it through. Any matter caught in the primary effect field will be annihilated by the FLEIJA's rapid sphere collapse.
Cécile: Hold on! You want Suzaku to fire a weapon like that?!
Anya Alstreim: He'll kill his own people. A massacre.
Nina: Suzaku, you don't consider yourself an Eleven anymore, right? That's why I want to entrust the FLEIJA to you.
Suzaku: You'd give me…that burden?
Nina: You were Princess Euphemia's knight, so naturally.
Lloyd: [spins in a circle before facing Nina] Nina, darling, a fine quandary. Might just kill Suzaku…and take you along as well.

TV Show: Code Geass


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