Courageous Quote

Mr. Tyson: What did you decide?
Javier Martinez: Mr. Tyson, I am grateful to have a job here, but I cannot do as you have asked.
Mr. Tyson: Why is that?
Javier Martinez: It would be wrong sir. It would be dishonoring to my God and my family.
Mr. Tyson: Do you realize what this may do to your job here?
Javier Martinez: Yes, sir.
Mr. Tyson: [Tyson stands up and extends his hand]Javier, may I shake your hand? You just gave me the right answer. I have been looking for someone to manage inventory and shipping, and frankly, you were the last person on my list, but I need someone I can trust. Will you take the job?
Javier Martinez: I would be honored, sir.
Mr. Tyson: Good. The job is yours. Walter will go over all the specifics with you, and I will make an announcement to the staff on Monday.
Javier Martinez: Thank you, sir.
Mr. Tyson: Javier? Thanks for your integrity. It's rare.
Waiter: [holding the door open for Javier]After six times, I was getting discouraged.

Movie: Courageous


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