Creature Quotes

Dorothy: You told me you couldn't drive.
Petula: I can't. Brian was giving me lessons. Well, at least he was screaming filthy abuse at me and punching me in an old Saab.

Movie: Creature
Max: Goooood morning! It's a bright new day aboard the good ship Vertigo! The time is 8: 30 in the a.m. The weather outside is a brisk 200 degrees below zero.

Movie: Creature
Pauline Parker: It's a three act story with a tragic end.

Movie: Creature
[episode - The Circus]
Muzulu performing monkey 2: We turned down Freddie Starr, didn't we.
Toto performing monkey 1: We turned down Freddie Starr.
Muzulu performing monkey 2: Freddie Starr couldn't pay enough for us. That was the highlight of our career.
Toto performing monkey 1: That was the highlight of our career, turning down Freddie Starr.

Movie: Creature
Oscar: My dad was way into all this kind of stuff.

Movie: Creature