CSI - Crime Scene Investigation Quotes

Gil Grissom: The rich are just as depraved as the poor.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Gil Grissom: There is always a clue.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Gil Grissom: What you do on your time is your business. What you do on my time is my business.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Gil Grissom: Where's your enthusiasm?
Greg Sanders: Whenever I find a match in here, my world gets a little smaller. Out there I felt large.
Gil Grissom: Out there means a pay cut.
Greg Sanders: I'm not about the money.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Grissom: "The evil men do always lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones."
Warrick Brown: Shakespeare?
Grissom: [nods] Julius Caesar.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: [about orthodontia] I had it all - palate expander, braces, retainer, headgear. Five years of torture, but worth every penny, don't you think?

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: [about Sara] You want a valium for her?
Sara Sidle: I heard that!

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Gil Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: Bringing back a semen sample... I analyzed this and found your DNA.
Nick Stokes: That was quick.
Greg Sanders: No jokes about my being fast in this department.
Nick Stokes: Hah.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: For the record, I really like having a penis.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: Hey Catherine, you think Sara would go to dinner with me?
Catherine Willows: Sure, as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: I had to send this to an outside lab since we're not equipped to carry out bacterial DNA analysis. Hint, hint.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: I, am a genius.
Warrick Brown: Let me guess, you ran the DNA and got a hit?
Greg Sanders: No.
Gil Grissom: You ran the DNA and something distinctive came up?
Greg Sanders: No.
Warrick Brown: You rolled out of bed and managed to dress yourself?
Greg Sanders: No.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Greg Sanders: Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Swab one down, run it through CODIS, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Zach: You know how it is, you look like you were a jock in college.
Greg Sanders: Me?
Sara Sidle: Him?

TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation