CSI - Crime Scene Investigation Quotes

Catherine: Oh, these fire guys really know how to trash a crime scene.
Grissom: That's what they do. Put wet stuff on the red stuff.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: *sigh* So what are you guys up to?
Sara: We're off to blow up some bombs
Warrick: Oh i definitely got the wrong end of this case!
Grissom: [Playing off Shakespeare's Hamlet]Alas, poor Warrick!

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Teri Miller: It's kind of like that old saying: 'How a person does one thing is...
Grissom: ... how a person does everything.'

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
[Grissom is licking rocks to see if they're bones]
Grissom: Could be a piece of wrist bone.
Catherine: Well, do you want to suck on it? To be sure?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: [Referring to a victim's vagina] It DOES tell a monologue.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: [To Grissom, who is staring in awe at a group of showgirls who pass by] Close your mouth.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
[Warrick is unhappy about Catherine assigning him to a different case]
Catherine: 419 at The Sphere, glass elevator. You're on it.
Warrick: This is a big case. I'm in a groove here.
Catherine: Well, groove on down to the Strip.
Warrick: Whatever happened to "You cross the tape, you go the distance"?
Catherine: I was probably saying that to get you to service my needs at the time.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: You want to take that thing off your head, Greg? It's evidence.
Greg: Cool your jets, Cath. I already got all the evidence out of it. Now, it's all woman. Did you ever wear one of these when you were dancing?
Catherine: I wore nothing but skin.
Greg: Ooh.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: If you try and chase two rabbits you end up losing them both.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Every day we meet people on the worst day of their lives.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: I wish I were like you, I wish I didn't feel anything.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: [To Grissom] What type of system rewards the killer, when the victim is too tough to die?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: What do you do for fun?
Sara: I chase rabbits...

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: I don't like anything ... I read crime books and I listen to my scanner.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Eddie: ...By taking our daughter to dinner.
Catherine: Get over here.
Eddie: Come on, what? What?
Catherine: Just so pathetic.
Eddie: What?
Catherine: Just so pathetic.
Eddie: Watch it, Cath.
Catherine: Sucking up to our daughter 'cause I caught you robbing me.
Eddie: The only thing I ever robbed you of was good sex.
Catherine: No sex is worth you and you are not taking my daughter to a club with one of your music whores.
Eddie: Oh they are whores? When I met you, you were taking your clothes off in a strip club.
Catherine: It was a job Ed and it supported you just like every job I had, including this one.
Eddie: And who paid you to close up your nose?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Let's go for her.
Grissom: Catherine?
Catherine: Just keep him out of here.
Grissom: [to Eddie] I don't wanna ever see you in this building again. This is our place of business, you understand?
Eddie: I always knew you two had a thing.
Grissom: Go home Eddie.
Eddie: Sure.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: I think our robbery suspect just became our homicide victim
Catherine: Well that's one way to avoid the rap.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: I have a question
Teri: Ok?
Grissom: Since I screwed up our last date, would we ever have dinner again?
Teri: Oh we'll have dinner... just not together.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: Interesting voicemail you left me
Warrick: What's that?
Sara: Meet me behind CSI and bring a night gown? I'll wear it for you but uh, I prefer pajamas.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: I hear that Greg found uranium on the swab from Felton's skull.
Nick: Yeah. He says I'm okay, but you know Greg. Tell me, am I radiating a green glow?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick: Pulled a couple of hairs off of our male stabbing vic.
Greg: Okay. Baby. Uh-huh.
Nick: What?
Greg: Nine lives.
Nick: Cat hair?
Greg: Meow.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Repeat after me, Silk silk silk.
Nick: Silk silk silk.
Grissom: Now what do cows drink?
Nick: Milk.
Grissom: They drink water. They produce milk.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick: Catherine. say, "Silk silk silk"
Catherine: Silk silk silk.
Nick: Now what do cows drink?
Catherine: Water? Why?
Nick: Never mind.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: Never doubt and never look back. That's how I live my life.
Grissom: I admire that.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick: Hey, Greg.
Greg: Shh. I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg: No, this is serious. I had a date last night. And this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just, BAM. Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent. And she smells so good.
Nick: Cute toes?
Greg: Oh, ideal. And none longer than the big toe. Both feet. But you know I need to know what is on the inside.
Nick: What's in her heart?
Greg: No, her DNA. This girl has got some fine epithelials.
Nick: Dude, you're sick. Man, you have officially lost it.
Greg: There's a guy in Louisville, he charges 300 clams to test your spouse's underwear for foreign DNA. Now that guy is sick. I'm just a romantic.
Nick: Whatever happened to getting to know someone over coffee? Letting the relationship evolve. Romantic is sending flowers, not bogarting her skin cells.
Greg: Oh that's boring.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: You know what they say about looks.
Brass: They can be deceiving?
Grissom: They can kill.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: [Looking at beetle found at crime scene.] Can I keep him?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: I'm all over it like a cheap suit.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Have you let anyone else touch this note? Police, a relative, anyone?
Dad: No, just us. Why?
Grissom: Well, because the person who touched it before you has your son, and he's just left us the first piece of the puzzle.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: A guy cheats, but the wife commits murder. How come moms always end up the bad guy with you Freud types?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation