Danny Phantom Quote
Box Ghost: [reading the rewards on wanted posters for Wulf, Vortex, and Undergrowth] One million for an overgrown dog?! Two million for an overgrown cloud?! Three million for an overgrown FICUS?! Chump change, for those ghosts pale in comparison to me, the Box Ghost! Imagine the value of a ghost that terrorizes with corrogated cardboard and the occasional roll of bubble wrap! [as his head flies up and spins] It must make their heads SPIN! [unfolds a crumpled wanted poster of himself that was thrown at him, the reward only $2.50]Not wanted?![tears up the poster] This is an outrage! Do I not inspire fear and loathing?! [brain pops out]
Random Ghosts: [laugh at him]
Random Ghosts: [laugh at him]
TV Show: Danny Phantom