Danny Phantom Quotes

Danny: So what's the big deal about people's dreams?
Nocturne: Asked the Ghost Boy who dreams of the Goth girl.
Danny: Oh, man, that, was, private...

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [to Nocturne] That's all you do? Put people to sleep? You sure you're not a teacher?

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Tucker is dreaming that he's living the rich life and sitting between two Stars]
Dream Tucker: That will be all, Fenton.
Dream Danny: [pushing a vacuum] Yes sir.
Danny: Wait, I'm the janitor?!
Dream Tucker: Now for some ambiance. [presses remote button, speakers rise up and a spotlight appears over him and the Star twins.]
Danny: Hate to cramp your style, dude... Uh, actually, no I don't.
Dream Tucker: [kisses left Star] I can't neglect you, my pet. [turns to the right and puckers up, eyes closed]
Danny: [sitting in the second Star's place] Seriously, I'm your janitor?!
Tucker: [wakes up screaming, breaking the helmet] Man! I just had the worst nightmare!
Danny: And it's about to get worse. [turns to go, then looks back at Tucker] Oh, and, I don't do windows. [Tucker looks suprized]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Danny is in Sam's dream]
Dream Sam: [to Dream Danny] Can you make room for your girlfriend?
Danny: Girlfriend? Her dream is just like mine. [happy and nervous] Uh, her dream is just like mine!
[Dream Danny & Dream Sam prepare to kiss. The real Danny stumbles backwards into a table in surprise, causing it to fall over. Dream Danny and Dream Sam stop and notice.]
Dream Sam: [to Dream Danny] Wait! You can't be in two places at once!
[Thinking quickly, Danny overshadows Dash.]
Dash: Actually, Sam, I'm Danny Phantom! Going ghost! [morphs into a Dash-ified Danny Phantom]
Sam: [wakes up screaming, breaking the helmet]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sign: [reads "Camp Skull and Crossbones on beautiful Lake Eerie"]
Tucker: Creepy with two "e"s all right. In fact, this may qualify for three.
Sam: C'mon, you guys! There's nothing scary about this place!
Mr. Lancer: Hello pioneers! [walks out of the mess hall with Miss Tetslaff]
[Star, Mikey, Lester, Dash, Paulina, and Kwan gasp dramatically.]
Danny: Mr. Lancer? Miss Tetslaff? What are you doing here?
Students: [quietly, hopeful] Please say "just passing through," please say "just passing through"...
Mr. Lancer: Children, relax! For the next eight weeks, we're not your teachers!
[The students sigh in relief.]
Miss Tetslaff: Better! We're your counselors!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Mikey: Before I burst into tears at the thought of my lost summer, can you tell us where the bathrooms are?
Miss Tetslaff: There aren't any.
[Mikey, Lester, Danny, Sam, Tucker, and another girl gasp dramatically.]
Mr. Lancer: Call of the Wild!
Miss Tetslaff: Suck it up, Lancer! You're in the wilderness! [holds up a roll of toilet paper] All the world's your bathroom!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Kwan: I heard this camp is haunted.
Dash: Me too. They say there's a monster in the woods at Lake Eerie.
Paulina: And two in the lake!
Students: [nervous babbling]
Danny: [sarcastic] Just what we need, amateur ghost stories.
Miss Tetslaff: [blows whistle] Pipe down, campers. This camp is definitely not haunted!
Mikey: [screams] There's a ghost monster in the woods, AND IT TOOK LESTER!!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: At least the monster is gone.
Dash: [screams and runs into the mess hall] The monster ate Kwan!
Tucker: At least the monster got to eat.
Danny: Dash, that's impossible! He...probably just...wandered off to use the bathroom.
Dash: Nah-uh! You don't know Kwan's amazing bladder. He can hold it for-
Sam: [as she gets up and walks way] Uh, please don't finish that sentence until I'm safely out of the building.
Tucker: Please don't finish that sentence at all, dude.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: Don't worry, Sam. We'll find everyone.
Sam: I know, but...Tucker...out there with a monster. Or worse, out there with a monster and Dash and Kwan!
Danny: Come on! You know I'd never let anything happen to either of you. I couldn't imagine my life without you. [Sam blinks at this] Or Tucker.
Sam: [smiles and blushes]
[A shadow darts from one tree to another, causing them to gasp.]
Danny: Stay here. [stands up] Wake up Wulf.
Sam: Be careful, I couldn't imagine my life without you either. [Danny raises his eyebrows, and she blushes again] Or Tucker.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Ghost Cop: Out past curfew, Ghost Boy? Isn't that against the rules?
Danny: Walker's goons. [produces a pair of energy balls] I was wondering when you'd show up.
Ghost Cop 2: Relax, kid. We aren't here to do any harm.
Ghost Cop: [blasts Danny, knocking him to the ground]
Ghost Cop 2: Well, maybe just a little.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sam: [Sees Wulf with his tongue stuck to a frozen Walker] Ferocious? Yes. Smart? Not so much.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sam: I'm impressed.
Danny: [flexes his muscles] With my strength?
Sam: That you knew what "reversed polarity" was.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danielle: I gotta get to Danny, fast. [takes off, but flying much slower than normal] Or slow, slow's good... [slows down even more, looking worn out; in a sarcastic tone] Or slower, even slower's better...

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Vlad has just asked Valerie to hunt "Dani Phantom", but she misheard him.]
Valerie: Danny Phantom? That guy's been an intangible pain in my butt for a long time.
Vlad: Oh no, sorry my dear. Not Danny Phantom, [turns around a computer monitor depicting Danielle] Dani Phantom, with an "i". A girl ghost.
Valerie: [unimpressed] You're kidding, there's a girl called Danny Phantom? Huh, these ghosts gotta come up with more original names.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Vlad: It will be so nice to get my little girl back. [evil laughter]
[His cat Maddie hisses at Vlad while giving him a nasty look.]
Vlad: Oh relax, Maddie, you're still my favorite. [rubs her under her chin to soothe her]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Valerie has chased Danielle into a condemned building]
Valerie: Listen, kid, I know you're in here. [switches on helmet light] And I know something evil is hunting you.
Danielle: [hiding behind a table; quietly] Yeah, no kidding!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Danielle has just saved Valerie by phasing them through falling debris and flying outside, but was seen transforming]
Valerie: [backs away] You're...you're a girl AND a ghost?
Danielle: And you're welcome.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [after helping his parents recapture a ghost in the lab] Uh, any objections to me getting far, far away from here?
Maddie: Good idea, Danny! Best you avoid any unnecessary contamination.
Danny: Or embarrassment. Thanks! [leaves]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [using a Fenton Phone] I've got this one, guys.
Tucker: [to Sam] Did we just get blown off?
Sam: Pretty massively.
Tucker: Wanna pig out at Nasty Burger and put it on Danny's tab?
Sam: Absolutely.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Valerie: I don't hate you, Danny. It's because of you that I'm the most powerful ghost hunter in Amity Park.
Danny: [annoyed] Hey! What about the Fentons?
Valerie: [amused] Are you kidding? They couldn't catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof.
Danny: True.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: Valerie, you don't wanna do this.
Valerie: [brandishing a taser] No, you don't want me to do this.
Danny: Well, yeah.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Valerie: You don't think it's a little dangerous flying into the lab of a family of ghost hunters?
[The camera pans to show Jack pressed tightly against the top of a full, glass containment chamber by ghost mass]
Danny: Something tells me we'll...be okay.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Danny presses the Fenton Flush lever, causing the contained ghosts to be flushed into the Ghost Zone. He flies away while invisible. Jack falls to the bottom, looks around, and grins.]
Jack: He-he-hey! Am I good or what? [cheesy grin]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Vlad: I'll go welcome our guests. [flies past the Maddie hologram, then turns back to face her] And I'm sorry dear, but I can't have them see you either. [pushes button]
Maddie Hologram: See you tonight for tea and cookies! [disappears]
Vlad: Until then, there's work to be done. [Flies off]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Valerie: Vlad Masters is Vlad Plasmius?! Phantom was right all along...And all this time I've been doing all his dirty work! Well, not anymore. [sly voice] Better watch out, Vlad, 'cause one of the ghosts I'm huntin' now, is you!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: It's good to be back where things are normal.
Jack: [recklessly driving the Fenton RV down the street] Attention Amity Park! The Fentons are on patrol! Rest assured the streets are safe! [front tire runs over a rock, causing the RV to skid] AOH! [RV collides with a fire hydrant, which flies off causing a geyser] Uh, city water supply A-OK!
Tucker: Yep, normal.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Technus: [just blew up the front of an electronics store; laughs evilly and holds up a shopping bag] Nothing like a lazy day of shopping, [holds up a coffee cup] lattes, and terrorizing minimum wage workers. [to a frightened cashier] Boo.
Cashier: [runs away screaming]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [the last time in the series that he uses his battle cry and then succesfully transforms] I'm goin' ghost! [runs into alley and transforms]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Technus: [picks up three DVDs; to store worker] Well, look on the bright side: at least I'm not downloading them illegally.
Danny: [appears and punches Technus away] Next register, Cyber-Jerk!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Technus has just fused various computer parts with a car and turned it into a mecha.]
Technus: Behold, Ghost Twerp! The perfect combination of technology past and present: the Car-puter! It will drive you, to your DOOM! HAHA!

TV Show: Danny Phantom