Danny Phantom Quotes

Sam: You realize you're playing with fire.
Danny: Well, sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good. [points to Dash]
Dash: [opens his locker and gets half-covered in toilet paper] Whoa!
Tucker: [amused] And come on! How good was that?
Sam: Niiice...Using your powers to stuff toilet paper into a locker. He's gonna find out it's you.
Danny: Have you seen his grades?
Danny & Tucker: Never gonna happen!
Dash: [notices the toilet paper has Jack's face on it] Hey! This is Fenton Wipe!
Sam: "Never" is Karma's doorbell. Ding-dong! It's for you.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Danny and Valerie head into an alleyway, attempting to hide behind a dumpster, but see that Sam is already there.]
Sam: [Points to Danny]
Danny: Hiding from Dash.
Sam: [Points to Valerie]
Valerie: Hiding from Nathan. You?
[Sam points off-screen. The camera cuts to a shot of Sam's mother holding a large pink and white dress outside the alleyway.]
Mrs. Manson: Sammikins, at least try it on!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sam: [about Valerie] So, what's up with this? Why are you helping her all of a sudden?
Danny: Oh, she hid me from Dash earlier today. I'm just returning the favor.
Sam: Well, be careful. The last thing you'd want to do is invite your archenemy into your own house.
[They open the door, Danny gasps as he sees Vlad there.]
Vlad: Ah, hel-LO, Daniel!
Sam: Too late.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [To Vlad, after he blasts a skeleton away] You're helping me? What do you want, my mom's cell number?
Vlad: No! But, ooh, if you wanted to give me her number....

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Valerie: Hey, Danny.
Danny: Hey, Val.
Tucker: "Hey, Val"? Isn't that the same Val that's usually on a jet sled trying to paste Danny?
Sam: Yep. And apparently next week, we're having cookies with Skulker!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[A panicking man and his wife run into a box store.]
Man: We need boxes! And lots of them!
The Box Ghost: [floats down from the ceiling] Never!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Ember: [to the kids in the music store] Hey kids. Here's a new ditty I call....GET OUT OF MY NEW HOME!
[She sends an energy blast that breaks all the windows. The kids run out, screaming.]
Random Kid: She rocks!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
[Various ghosts have attacked Danny and he's fallen to the ground in human form. Sam rushes to his side.]
Sam: Danny, are you okay? [Danny shoots her a dirty look] Sorry. Standard question.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sam: [drinking tea] I'm getting worried. We haven't seen Danny or Valerie for hours.
Jack: Ah, they're fine. They've been up in Danny's room. Alone. For hours.
[Sam drops the teacup and it shatters.]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Skulker: Now, go, defeat him, so I will be free to hunt you another day.
Danny: [to Ember] Guy really knows how to motivate ya....

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Tucker: Dude, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault.
Danny: Maybe not. But it is my responsibility.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Pariah Dark: You can't possibly win.
Danny: I don't have to win. I just have to make sure you lose!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: [Referring to all the ghosts] How did they cram all of you inside the Specter Speeder?
Ember: Hey, you ever been inside your stupid thermos? Compared to that, it was the Taj Mahal in there!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Technus: [has taken over the Fenton RV and an electronics store. attaches TV to the RV] Hmm, plasma screen, [attaches speakers] surround sound, [attaches unknown appliance with a receiver dish] I don't know what this thing does... [attracts more TVs and remotes] Ooo, these are on sale!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Technus 2.0: Behold, the new Technus 2.0! Now with pop-up blocker! [pulls Danny up towards him with a tractor beam.]
Danny: Sounds like the same old Technus to me. Whaddaya say you shout out your plan and we get this thing over with?
Technus 2.0: Technus 2.0 does not reveal his secrets! [crosses arms] Go on, try me.
Danny: Uh, boxers or briefs?
Technus 2.0: [gets in his face] None of your business! [smug look] See?

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Super Danny: Hey, I can't turn human!
Technus 2.0: Neither can I, but you don't hear me shouting it to the heavens. I don't do that anymore.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Super Danny: Say, you wear an awful lot of black for a superhero sidekick. Have you considered switching to bright primary colors!?
Sam: Tucker, wait up!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Super Danny: [about Technus] We have to stop him!
Fun Danny: Tried it! Didn't work. Back to bowling.
Tucker: It'll be fun?
Sam: You'll get to hit stuff?
Fun Danny: Sweet.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Fun Danny: [on a roller coaster] Oh, man, this is the life. I wish I could stay on this ride, like, forever.
[All of the rides in the fair suddenly stop and the sky darkens.]
Sam: And you may just get your wish.
Tucker: Why couldn't you wish for super models?
Super Danny: Did someone say, "super"?!
Sam: Ah, somebody kill me.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: Curse this infernal messy room. This looks like a job for... the vacuum cleaner!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Super Danny: Have you lost your half of our mind?!
Fun Danny: Dude, I'm not the one wearing a bed sheet.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Super Danny: Relax, citizens. Danny Phantom is on the job! [teeth sparkle]

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Tucker: Quick, hide! [shoves both Dannys into a closet]
Sam: No, just one of you.
Tucker: I call the fun Danny!
Sam: I call the -- darn it!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Sam: How did that last trip through the Ghost Catcher fix everything?
Tucker: [reading the Ghost Catcher's instructions] Side 2: Merge, Side 1: Separate. Duh.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Jazz: One Danny... Then I'm not nuts! [enthusiastically] I'm not nuts!
Maddie: Oh, isn't that sweet? [to Jack] That's exactly what you said when you proposed to me!
Jack: And you still said yes. Who's nuts now, huh?

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Jazz: See? This toxic home environment is making him a nervous wreck!
Danny: [eyetwich]
Jazz: He needs a normal family outing! One that has nothing to do with ghosts!
Danny: Will you stop talking about me like I'm not here?!
[invisible Youngblood pokes Danny]
Maddie: I don't know, Jazz, honey. Sure Danny seems a little high-strung but I'm sure it's nothing we can't work out here...
[Youngblood pokes Danny again]
Danny: Back off, punk! [snatches an ecto-gun and fires it all around the lab]
Jack & Maddie & Jazz: [find cover behind piles of boxes]
Maddie: [to Jazz] I'll get the sleeping bags.
Jack: And I'll get that ghost hunting equipment!
Maddie & Jazz: [shoot Jack disapproving glares]
Jack: And by ghost hunting equipment, I mean..Uhh...The other sleeping bags!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Danny: Are there any studies on the calming effect of big sisters minding their own business?!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Jazz: [grabs Danny's arm] And where do you think you're going?
Danny: Wherever I want. What are you, the hall monitor now?
Jazz: I'm your hall monitor, Danny. And there's no place you can go that I can't follow.
Danny: Really?
[Danny walks into the boy's room and shuts the door on Jazz's face]
Jazz: Except there.

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Maddie: [holds up a tube of ointment] Good thing I brought plenty of Fenton Ointment.
Jack: Oh boy, Fointment!

TV Show: Danny Phantom
Maddie: Who's up for a game of "I Spy"? I spy with my little eyes something beginning with... C!
Jack: Cola, chaffing, cattleprod...
Danny: Cowboy?
Jazz: Where do you see a cowboy?
Danny: Duh, he's riding right next to us!...At seventy miles an hour? Oh no not again.

TV Show: Danny Phantom