Dawson's Creek Quote

Bodie: Good morning sweetheart. And how are we feeling this morning?
Bessie: Well, if you're nauseous and swollen and irritable also, I'd say we're feeling exactly the same way.
Bodie: Look at the bright side. Your due date's the 22nd. In less than a week this will all be over.
Bessie: A week?! This can not last another week. It's inhumane. I don't sleep anymore, my legs are fat, my back is killing me, I feel like retching 23 hours a day... Did you know the average gestation period for the fruit bat is 2 months... 2 months, that's fair, that's reasonable. Why can't I give birth to a fruit bat?
Joey: Because we're about 80% sure you're human.
Bessie: Do you still live here?
Joey: Unfortunately.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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