Dawson's Creek Quote

Jen: Hey Dawson. I like you.
Dawson: Yeah but it's not enough that you like me. I want you to want me.
Jen: You're like a God to me Dawson, and I don't even believe in God. I mean, this school hasn't exactly welcomed me with open arms. It seems like everybody here hates me and I don't know why. If it's because I'm from New York, or because I'm different. It seems like my life here is just one big detention that I can't escape, but then, I think about you. And about how I've met a guy who's so romantic, and so caring, and who I like, and who I want so much. Dawson it's because of you that I get through the bad days. And if you think I want you to be some big, varsity sex stud then you're crazy.
Dawson: I understand that you want to take things slow, I do. And I don't want to rush you. I don't want to be that guy. But I'm human, I have hormones. And to say that I've never thought about having sex with you, I'd be lying. The thought crosses my mind. About a thousand times a day.
Jen: Well just a thousand? That's nothing.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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