Dawson's Creek Quote

Joey: We're just friends. That's all.
Dawson: Joey, c'mon you know that's not true.
Joey: So what are we Dawson? You know, I am so tired of the way we relate to one another. We spend all of our time analyzing our sad little adolescent lives.
Dawson: I know we know too many big words. But it's a good thing to analyze.
Joey: But it doesn't get us anywhere. It doesn't move us forward. We're in the same place we were 3 months ago. It's time to grow up Dawson.
Dawson: I know, Joey. We can. We are growing up.
Joey: No we're not. Everyday is the same. We watch a movie, preferably a Spielberg film, find the appropriate life correlation and then we pat ourselves on the back for being so clever. You know, as much as our perception is right on, our honesty is severely lacking Dawson.
Dawson: There is something lacking.
Joey: And the reason I came here tonight is because we need to move on. Look, we're not kids anymore. And I'm not gonna do this anymore. And I just thought you should know, so...
Dawson: So, are you going to France?
Joey: Ah, the inevitable cliffhanger. Am I going to France?

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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