Dawson's Creek Quote

Dawson: [notices her drawing of a naked man] I see you've graduated from fruit bowls.
Joey: We're doing life-sketching...nude models...so..we're supposed to see the human form, a mass of lines and shadows.
Dawson: Really?
Joey: I'm working on it.
Dawson: And he does poses for you?
Joey: Yeah.
Dawson: Don't you find that uncomfortable? Just sitting in a room with some guy completely in the buff right in front of you?
Joey: No..
Dawson: Does he like talk or anything?
Joey: Oh, yeah. He sings, tells jokes, does a little softshoe. No, he doesn't talk, Dawson. He's a model. He sits there. He just takes breaks every now and then.
Dawson: And Little Joey Potter doesn't blush?
Joey: No.
Dawson: Not even a little?
Joey: Maybe a little...
Dawson: [raises eyebrows] Just a little?
Joey: [Smiles, embarrassed] Okay, I've broken 12 pencils.
[Dawson laughs]
Joey: But it's getting better. You'd be surprised, I'm changing. I'm not Little Joey Potter anymore.
Dawson: No, you're certainly not.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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