Dawson's Creek Quote

Joey: Pacey, you probably don't want to hear this right now, and I'm sure you don't want to hear it from me, but you have to talk to her.
Pacey: No, not right now. I couldn't even look at her right now.
Joey: You have to, Pacey. You have to hear her out.
Pacey: Why? What's the difference, Joey, huh? No matter what she says the ending's still the same. She slept with somebody else.
Joey: You think that just because the two of you were together what she did hurts more? It doesn't. There's no difference, Pacey, I mean... Look, she's sixteen years old and so are you. We talk like we know what's going on, but we don't. We don't have any idea. Look, we're really young and we're gonna screw up a lot! You know, we're going to keep changing our minds and ... and sometimes even our hearts. And through all of that, the only real thing we can offer each other is forgiveness. And I couldn't do that. Or at least I did it too late. Don't let yourself get so angry that you stop loving because one day you wake up from that anger and the person you love will be gone

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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