Dawson's Creek Quote

Jen: What are you auctioning off?
Cheerleader #2: Well, the winner gets to ride in on the Minuteman Mule, at the end of the game.
Cheerleader #1: And receive a kiss from the head cheerleader.
Jen: Oh, no they don't!
Cheerleader #1: Now Jenny...
Jen: Jen! OK, it's Jen. You know this whole thing just started as a bad joke, and excuse to get out of biology but you see what it's turned into? I have pranced around this entire school at pep rallies without even knowing what the hell pep is. I have listened to prate and paddle about car washes, dance-athons and dog-sitting until I think I'm going to puke up my homemade spirit cookie.
Cheerleader #1: Jenny!
Jen: And despite the itch I am getting on my ass from this polyester molest-me skirt, I've done it all with a smile of my face. But you know what ladies? The smile has gone. I'm sorry, but there is no way that I'm going to be sold off like some harem girl to the highest bidder. Everyone has a limit, and I've reached mine. I quit!

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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