Dawson's Creek Quote

Jack: Do you think that I was just going out with David to prove something to myself?
Jen: Something about what?
Jack: Just to prove that I could do it, that I could be in a relationship. You know, have a boyfriend.
Jen: I don’t know. I mean, is that something that you feel like you needed to prove to yourself?
Jack: Yeah. Who wants to be that 35-year-old guy that's living alone and still going out to the bar scene trying to find the right person?
Jen: Give me a break. You're 20 years old. You're not even legally old enough to be in those bars, let alone haunt them with your sad, single self.
Jack: Yeah, that from the girl who was on a first-name basis with half the bouncers in New York.
Jen: Look, my point is is that I don't think that everybody meets the love of their life when they're a teenager. Or when they're 25. Or even when they're 35. But that doesn't mean that you stop looking and hoping. You know, 'cause you will meet that person, and when you do, I guess you know it.

TV Show: Dawson's Creek


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