Dead Like Me Quote

[Rube, George and Mason are in Der Waffle Haus and Mason sees Daisy walk inside.)
Mason: Oh, bloody hell.
Daisy: [To Casey, the waitress] Diet Coke, chipped ice, but not too much.
Rube: I think this is about Betty. I think George has her own Warren Commission in her head and somehow has implicated me in Betty's disappearance. Am I right or am I right?
George: [To Rube] Can you pass me the ketchup?
Mason: [To Daisy] How you doin'?
Daisy: I don't think so.
Rube: [To George] That's all you want from me? The ketchup? 'Cuz the ketchup I can handle. But the guilt trip about Betty, that I can not. I don't know where Betty is.
Mason: [To Daisy] Ah- hem. Um, hello? I'm Mason.
Daisy: I don't think so.
Mason: [To George] What does that mean?
George: It means she hates you.
Rube: You lost your friend, Peanut, I'm sorry. Reapers come and go. That's life.
George: [voiceover] I missed Betty like crazy. I had a thousand and one questions, and I didn't know where to begin. Where was she? Was she o.k.? Was she coming back? What did Rube know? Somebody had to confront Rube and ask these questions. And, hopefully this person will be along soon.
Daisy: [To Casey] This isn't chipped ice.
Casey: We don't have chipped ice. All we got's cubes.
Daisy: Well, if you have cubes, and an ice pick, then you have chipped. Do you, Casey, have an ice pick?
Casey: Mm- hm. Ya. A nice one.
Daisy: Well, then I think we need to start over.
Mason: [To Casey] Uh, you see that Diet Coke? Thats on me.(To Daisy): I'm Mason.
George: [To Mason] You're a fuckin' moron.
Daisy: [To Rube] Is your name Rube?

TV Show: Dead Like Me


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