Degrassi - The Next Generation Quotes

Connor: You're my date to the dance! You're supposed to dance with me.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Peter: Don't they give you boobs and make you all paranoid and stuff?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Riley: I'm on a date with Anya, and I like her. A lot.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Anya: C'mon! What type of bread would you be?
Riley: I don't know!
Anya: Okay, I'll go. I would be...a Pop Tart.
Riley: A Pop Tart? Is that even a kind of bread?
Anya: I don't know!
Riley: You're way too cute when you laugh.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Sav: We went out for six months! That's way more important than some stupid gay picnic!

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: What, should we just kick out everyone who's not a jock?
The Shep: Don't tease me.
Clare: You're a terrible principal!
The Shep: And you're a little bitch.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: You can't give me detention for having a point of view.
The Shep: Sure I can. I'm the principal.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Sav: It's my life, and I want you in it.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Alli: You're not breaking up with me.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Holly J.: If I wanted to ruin your life, I would create an I Hate Alli group, have 400 people join, and talk about how much they hate you and want you dead.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Sav: The Sinclairs called the police.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Jane: He put me to bed every night.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Mrs. Valieri: Are you okay with him being around more?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Lucas: You and your stupid backwards pajamas.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Spinner: Talk to me.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Jane: Urination is key to a healthy diet. Besides, who doesn't love that "fresh from yourself" taste?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Emma: Wanna blaze?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Emma: I'm tired of everyone calling me blonde Emma. I'm not even blonde anymore!

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
KC: You had this idea that I was a good guy. I kind of liked it.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: KC you didnt punch him did you?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Emma: [on her cellphone while in class] Kelly! Are you in the room?
Kelly: Yes, what's up?
Emma: I didn't get rid of it! There is still brownies and weed in the room. They're doing searches.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: I think you should zip your jacket back up.
Alli: I think Johnny won't agree.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Grace: Are you and Johnny gonna seal the deal tonight?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: My 12th birthday, totally like this!

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: It's a political allegory of the Russian Revolution!
Bruce: Pigs started the Russian evolution?

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Johnny: (after Alli puts her hands over his eyes and he turns around) You're not Bruce.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Clare: I think the reason we fight all the time is because we're afraid if we don't... we'll do this [Clare tries to kiss KC]
KC: [Pulls away from Clare]
Clare: Or maybe I had it all wrong .[Clare tries to leave]
KC: no You had it right. [KC pulls Clare in for a kiss]

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Holly J: (Blocking Spinner from Chris[the Guy with the Gun]) Don't shoot!

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Chris: (looking at Spinner) This guys playing tricks with me.
Holly J: No, he's just trying to be a stupid hero!

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation
Holly J: I got kicked off the squad, my dad lost all his money, and (checks to see if Spinner is still listening) ... I'm in love with the stupid hero over there.

TV Show: Degrassi - The Next Generation