Dexter Quotes

Angel: You want me to knock on some doors?
Doakes: Or maybe some heads?

TV Show: Dexter
[Debra nearly trips over a suitcase]
Debra: What fucking asshole left this here!?
Lundy: It's Special Agent Fucking Asshole. Morgan, right?

TV Show: Dexter
Doakes: Excuse me, sir, do you have a minute?
Lundy: Or three. Good tea takes time.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I feel like a jigsaw puzzle missing a piece. And I'm not even sure what the picture should be.

TV Show: Dexter
[Angel knocks on a door]
Angel: Miami Metro. May we talk to you?
Woman: Go to Hell!
Angel: Okay. But, before we do that, ma'am, can I ask you a few questions?
Woman: How many is a few?
Debra: Uh, three. But one's a two-parter.
Woman: Go away before I call the police!
Debra: We are the fucking police!
Woman: I ain't talking to no one with language like that!
Angel: Let's look at the bright side.
Debra: What bright side?
Angel: Karmically, we're batting a thousand. There's something balancing about that kind of consistency.

TV Show: Dexter
[Dexter enters a church]
Dexter: If I believed in God, if I believe in sin, this is the place where I'd be sucked straight to Hell. If I believed in Hell.

TV Show: Dexter
Priest: I'm sorry for your loss.
Dexter: Thank you, father.
Brian: I'm not sorry.
Dexter: You're still here.
Brian: Never left.
Dexter: Yeah, you did. I killed you.
Brian: No. You just took my life.
Dexter: So, how do I make you go away?
Brian: Hm. Well, you could try doing what these people are doing.
Dexter: I'm not like them.
Brian: Well, if it helps, I can tell you that it's not your fault. What you did to me.
Dexter: I never said it was.
Brian: But you feel it.
Dexter: How do you know that?
Brian: It's human nature.
Dexter: I'm not human.
Brian: No. You're just fucked up.
Dexter: I need to let you go.
Brian: You think it's as simple as that?
Dexter: Nothing's simple.

TV Show: Dexter
[Pushing Little Chino's body on a cart]
Dexter: It was simple really. All I had to do was put myself into the mind of a killer. Hardly a stretch.

TV Show: Dexter
Little Chino: What the fuck are you?
Dexter: Well, that kind of talk is gonna bring you closer to your victims.

TV Show: Dexter
Little Chino: Why are you doing this to me?
Dexter: I'm not so much as doing it to you, as I'm doing it for me.

TV Show: Dexter
Little Chino: You kill me … what do you leave behind?
Dexter: A world without you.

TV Show: Dexter
[Dexter holds a knife above Little Chino]
Dexter: Look at that – steady as a surgeon.

TV Show: Dexter
Rita: Are you an addict?
Dexter: Yes. I have an addiction.

TV Show: Dexter
Debra: I saw some buildings with "for rent" signs. I'm gonna check 'em out. Then, Chez Dexter can return to its original, museum-like quality state.
Dexter: Deb, you don't need to do this.
Debra: Yes, I do.
Dexter: You don't need to do this now.
Debra: Well, what about the video tours of eligible apartments?
Dexter: Temporary insanity.
Debra: You sure?
Dexter: No. Get out.

TV Show: Dexter
Addict: I don't need them for the pain anymore. I just … need them.
Dexter: [thoughts] And I need duct tape. Three or four rolls. Running low on heavy duty trash bags. When's the last time I sharpened my knives?

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: No self control, lost everything, trying to stop; same whiny story over and over for …
[Dexter checks his watch.]
Dexter: Ten minutes? Feels like ten hours.

TV Show: Dexter
Addict: I'd kill for a Vicodin.
Dexter: [thoughts] Lightweight.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: Hold the elevator!
[Dexter gets his arm into the elevator doors as they close. The elevator opens and he enters. Doakes is in there]
Dexter: Thanks.
Doakes: Nice dodge last night, flooring it through that yellow light.
Dexter: Oh. Were you behind me?
Doakes: See you tonight.

TV Show: Dexter
Masuka: The boss's watermelons look bigger on TV.
LaGuerta: The operative word is "boss" – show some respect.
Masuka: I thought I was.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I go to stalk a killer, and I end up with a new car. How'd that happen?

TV Show: Dexter
LaGuerta: New car?
Dexter: Yeah.
LaGuerta: You get married?
Dexter: Not that I know of.

TV Show: Dexter
Masuka: Who's your daddy?
Dexter: … Uh, Harry Morgan?

TV Show: Dexter
Masuka: Say it.
Dexter: … You're my daddy?
Masuka: Sounds weird when you say it.

TV Show: Dexter
Lila: So tell me. Exactly how full of shit are you?
Dexter: I'm not full of anything.
Lila: It was a nice performance in there. Where did you download it from?
Dexter: I have no reason to lie.
Lila: Sure you do. We all do.
Dexter: You thought I was lying?
Lila: I dunno, Bob.
Dexter: Well, it is anonymous.
Lila: Everyone in that room has heard, or lived, far worse than anything you've ever done.
Dexter: I doubt it.
Lila: Oh! So you're Super Junkie.
Dexter: I don't mean to imply that what you've been through hasn't been difficult.
Lila: But there's no way that I could know what you've experienced, right? I couldn't possibly feel that need. Like a thousand hiding voices whispering "this is who you are". And you fight the pressure. The growing need rising like a wave. Prickling and teasing and prodding to be fed. But the whispering gets louder, until they're screaming "now!" And it's the only voice you hear. The only voice you want to hear. And you belong to it. To this … shadow self. To this …
Dexter: Dark Passenger.
Lila: Yes. The Dark Passenger.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: Two women are dead, the killer is selling mini-vans, and I have an opportunity to prove it. Even if I am laying low. Having a victim prepped and ready will take the edge off the weight. I hope.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: DNA, DNA, come out and play.

TV Show: Dexter
LaGuerta: What are you saying?
Doakes: I'm saying – asshole special ops. No doubt about it.
Dexter: Huh. They're generally known for settling their arguments peacefully.
Doakes: Don't get smug with me.
LaGuerta: Sounds like we're in your world, James.
Doakes: Yeah, I'll take lead on this one.

TV Show: Dexter
Woman: Uh oh. Roger's got you in the box. Once you're in the box, you don't leave without a deal.
Dexter: … Uh oh.
Woman: Don't worry, you're safe with Roger. He's the best. I'm just dropping off this "thank you" note.
Dexter: I was just leaving.
Woman: He sent you across the street, didn't he?
Dexter: Cross the street?
Woman: It's okay, he told me not to tell anyone either. Yeah, I don't know how he makes a living sending his commissions to other dealers.
Dexter: Maybe he has ulterior motives.
Woman: Or maybe he knows I can't afford his price.
Dexter: After he ran a credit check?
Woman: TRW doesn't lie.
Dexter: So, you're single?
Woman: [awkwardly] Yeah.
Dexter: Makes it tougher to afford those big ticket items like cars and houses. You rent an apartment?
Woman: A house. Yeah, I hate sharing walls. You can hear everything.
Dexter: Tell me about it. No pets, though, right?
Woman: Is this a come on? 'Cause it's a little weird.
Dexter: Must be why I'm still single.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: Roger's DNA matches the semen found at both crime scenes. Irrefutable. If I do nothing, then another woman dies. Is that my long, dormant conscience talking, or the Dark Passenger whispering?

TV Show: Dexter
Debra: It's been 24 hours since I asked to be replaced.
Lundy: … Has it?
Debra: What's taking so long? Every cop on the damn force wants in on this case. Just take your pick.
Lundy: I've been wondering about that, actually. Everyone wants on but, you want off.
Debra: I told you. I have cases.
Lundy: I don't think so.
Debra: Fuck's sake. Jesus, I don't wanna be on your task force, all right?
Lundy: Why?
Debra: Because I'm the last person in the world that should be on it. You want me to find a serial killer? I was engaged to one, for Christ's sake. What kind of cop – what kind of –
Lundy: That's why I chose you, you know. Because of what you went through. You survived. I don't know how. I can't begin to imagine the strength it took. Continues to take. More than that, you got a first hand look into the mind and heart of a killer. And you're still here. If you can accept that – really accept it – you could use it. Mix that with some of your strength and you can catch someone even worse than the Ice Truck Killer. But you have to stop running. Finish today's interviews. And if you still want out, you got it.

TV Show: Dexter