Digimon Quote

Joe: [yelling] Didn't I tell you not to eat all the food?!? I told you we need to ration, which means save food for later, as in much later.
Gomamon: But it is later Joe. You told me that 20 minutes ago.
Joe: [shaking Gomamon] 20 minutes is not much later! Please tell me there's still food in the bag!
Gomamon: I don't know. Since you can't handle eating and floating on the ocean at the same time, I ate it all. Besides, I need food to digivolve in case you run into bad Digimon.
Joe: So, do we see any bad Digimon? NO! If I starve, who are you gonna protect?
[Joe retches and heaves over the side of the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That's enough about food. Things'll get better soon. Hang in there buddy.
[Both see a crate coming near the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That crate is gonna hit us!
Joe: Maybe it's full of fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, cereal, hotdogs, cookies, candy, and soda!
Gomamon: I wish!
Joe: You wish?!? We wouldn't need food if you hadn't eaten ours!
Gomamon: You're strong when you're hungry...
Joe: Starvation is a good motivator.

TV Show: Digimon


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