Digimon Quotes

Davis: Let's go, T.A.!
TK Takashi: T.A.?
Kari: He forgot how to spell T.K.!

TV Show: Digimon
Tentomon: TK and Kari not only have moms and dads, they have something else too.
Izzy's Father: They have brothers.
Tentomon: In a word, bingo!
Izzy: Why would you want them shooting arrows at your loved ones? Sounds kind of dangerous to me.
Izzy's Mother: They're angels, Izzy. Maybe they're like Cupid, he was sort of like an angel. When he shot arrows, they were arrows of love.
Izzy: Mom, isn't that a little corny?
Tentomon: It may be corny, but I believe it. All we have to do is get Angemon and Angewomon to hit you guys with their arrows of love.
Izzy: Hey! Let's not be too hasty here!
Matt Ishida: Well, what do you think?
Tai: It's worth a shot. Kari!
Matt: T.K.!
T.K.: You sure you wanna?
Tai: Let's see these arrows of hope and light!
Matt: You two have got to get them to shoot at us.
Tai: They'll only do it if you tell them to.
Kari: You really want them to do that to you?
TK: But what if you get, like, dead or something?
Matt: Hey, never happen.
TK Takaishi: Okay. Angemon, I know this maybe sounds crazy but I need you to hit Matt and Tai with your arrow.
Kari Kamiya: You too, Angewomon.
Agumon: Wait a minute, Tai. What if that prophecy is all wrong?
Tai: Do you want the whole world to be destroyed?
Matt Ishida: Sometimes miracles require a little faith.
Matt: Scared, Tai? I'll hold your hand just in case you try to run away.
Tai: Yeah. Me too.
Angemon: One miracle
Angewomon: Coming up.

TV Show: Digimon
Joe: [yelling] Didn't I tell you not to eat all the food?!? I told you we need to ration, which means save food for later, as in much later.
Gomamon: But it is later Joe. You told me that 20 minutes ago.
Joe: [shaking Gomamon] 20 minutes is not much later! Please tell me there's still food in the bag!
Gomamon: I don't know. Since you can't handle eating and floating on the ocean at the same time, I ate it all. Besides, I need food to digivolve in case you run into bad Digimon.
Joe: So, do we see any bad Digimon? NO! If I starve, who are you gonna protect?
[Joe retches and heaves over the side of the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That's enough about food. Things'll get better soon. Hang in there buddy.
[Both see a crate coming near the bed-boat]
Gomamon: That crate is gonna hit us!
Joe: Maybe it's full of fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, cereal, hotdogs, cookies, candy, and soda!
Gomamon: I wish!
Joe: You wish?!? We wouldn't need food if you hadn't eaten ours!
Gomamon: You're strong when you're hungry...
Joe: Starvation is a good motivator.

TV Show: Digimon
Yolei: I hate Go Fish. Can't we play something else?
Davis: Sure, let's play strip-

TV Show: Digimon
Patamon: Aren't cats supposed to land on their feet?
Gatomon: Oh, shut up.

TV Show: Digimon
Veemon: Now that Ken's run Tentomon out of his tree, maybe we can climb it and have a look around.
Davis: You bet!
Tentomon: Stay out of my tree! I know exactly how many pieces of bark are on it.

TV Show: Digimon
[After Davis makes an unamusing joke about cutting ShogunGekomon's hair]
Kari: Davis, sometimes you're so insensitive.
Davis: (jumps around flailing his arms) I'm so sensitive that I use a special toothpaste so my teeth don't hurt when I eat ice cream! Ahhh!
[Kari giggles and laughs]

TV Show: Digimon
Apocalymon: Do you think it's fair that I have to live with all this agony?! Why should you get to laugh, while I am forced to cry?! Why do you get to taste the best that life has to offer, while all I can do is choke on its leftovers?! Answer me this! WHY DO ALL OF YOU GET THE PIZZA, WHILE I GET THE CRUSTS?!?!
Mimi: Ahh, I can't take all these metaphors!
Izzy: Boy, this guy really holds a grudge.
Apocalymon: I will rule the world and plunge it into darkness, so that I don't have to be alone anymore in my misery! [laughs madly] Wait a minute, what am I laughing at? I'm supposed to be depressed!

TV Show: Digimon
Mimi: Oh my! I would just love to take on home and put it on my bed with all my other stuffed animals!
Matt: There she goes again. Do you think Mimi hears the same things we hear? I'm not so sure anymore.
Izzy: Maybe she's an alien spy.

TV Show: Digimon
T.K: Smells better than broccoli. Who knows, it might taste better.
Matt: Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food.
Sora: Nah, I'm not hungry.
Joe: I'm skipping this one too. I just don't like to eat on an empty stomach. Besides, I don't even know what that stuff is, but I'm sure I'm allergic to it.

TV Show: Digimon
Agumon: Now let's try some solo performances, starting with Mimi.
Tai: Mimi?
Sora: Mimi?
Izzy: Mimi?
Matt: Singing?
Mimi: Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam... (Singing badly)
Joe: Avoiding your song.
Mimi: Oh come on I had singing lessons for three years.
T.K: Oh you did? Did it help?
Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund. That's what I think.

TV Show: Digimon
Kari: [After Wizardmon sacrificing himself to save Kari and Gatomon] Oh no! Wizardmon, you're gonna be okay! Please don't leave, Wizardmon!
Wizardmon: Are you all right, Gatomon?
Gatomon: [Crying] You saved me... I'm sorry!
Wizardmon: About what?
Gatomon: Sorry I got you involved in this.
Wizardmon: Don't be sorry... I don't have any regrets! If I wouldn't met you, my life would have no meaning! I'm glad you and I were friends!
Gatomon: That's forever!
Wizardmon: Thank you for everything, Gatomon! [Dies.]

TV Show: Digimon
Gotsumon: [Pumpkinmon runs right into a teenager who falls down on the ground] Wow, you hit down some kind of monster!
Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I hit down a teenager!

TV Show: Digimon
Matt: You're a thief! We worked so hard we could afford a trip to Hawaii!
Digitamamon: [Growing furiously] Hawaii is not on the schedule, but if you insist I'll send you to the moon! [Attacks]

TV Show: Digimon
Myotismon: [To Wizardmon] Did you really think you could betray me and get away with it?
Wizardmon: [Protecting Gatomon] How could I betray you? I was never on your side to start with!

TV Show: Digimon
[non American dub] (while Angewomon and Deviwomon are slapping each other)
Taichi: Is that how women fight?
Koushirou: Yeah, they must slap each other to death!

TV Show: Digimon
(The bitter fight between Angewomon and Deviwomon has become a heated, and comical, slapping match. The guys all stare.)
Tai: Wow ... Look at 'em go.
Izzy: I know I shouldn't be watching, but I can't take my eyes off them.
Kari: Get her Angewomon! That's right! Knock that witch's block off! Go!

TV Show: Digimon
Angewomon: Vamdemon. Not only did you interfere with the Chosen Children's mission, but you have invaded the real world and killed my friend, Wizarmon. Learn the full weight of your sins!
Vamdemon: I will change everything in this world into darkness! After fusing this place with the Digital World, I will become its sole ruler! I only did what I was destined to do!
Angemon: Vamdemon. Does this mean you have no intent of repenting for your sins?
Vamdemon: Hmph. Dead-
Angewomon: Saint Air!
Vamdemon: Ugh!
MetalGreymon: My strength is being restored!
WereGarurumon: Now!
Garudamon: Give our power to Angewomon!
AtlurKabuterimon: Horn Buster!
Lillymon: Flower Cannon!
Zudomon: Hammer Spark!
WereGarurumon: Kaiser Nail!
Garudamon: Shadow Wing!
MetalGreymon: Giga Destroyer!
Angemon: Heaven's Knuckle!
Angewomon: Holy Arrow!
Vamdemon: Don't! Uuuu... Uuuuaaarrrghhh!

TV Show: Digimon
Gennai: "I'm old, not deaf!"

TV Show: Digimon
Joe: Whatever they are, they're aggrivating my hay-fever.
Matt: Hey Joe. Is there anything you don't complain about?

TV Show: Digimon
Cherrymon: (to Matt) What's the matter? Never seen a talking tree?
Matt: Not many.

TV Show: Digimon
Phone Operator This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up, and don't call back.
Matt: What planet did I dial?

TV Show: Digimon
Phone Operator: Tomorrow's forecast calls for clear skies with ocassional ice cream
Mimi: What do you wear for that?

TV Show: Digimon
Joe: The don't call me old reliable for nothing.
Gomamon: But they don't.
Joe: I'm going to ignore that.

TV Show: Digimon
Terriermon: "Admit it Henry, you'd be lost without me."
Henry Wong: "Looks like I'm lost with you."

TV Show: Digimon
Takato Matsuki: "Don't freak out, mom..."
Takato's mom: "It's too late for that..."

TV Show: Digimon
Takato Matsuki: Mom, Dad, why are girls so crazy?
Mrs. Matsuki: They're not. Their husbands make them that way.
Mr. Matsuki: Hmm...right

TV Show: Digimon
Takato Matsuki: Sorry to wake you up so late.
Henry Wong: That's okay. I was just sleeping.
Terriermon: And not just sleeping... snoring too.

TV Show: Digimon
Henry: You better just back off, Rika.
Rika: Or else what? You'll go run off and hide on me? Ooo... I'm so scared.

TV Show: Digimon
Guilmon: You going to fight her, Takato?
Takato: No way, she's a girl. Besides, she'd kick my butt.

TV Show: Digimon