Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears Quote

Gummi Bears were able to rescue Grammi from getting kidnapped. Grammi is in the living room recovering from her ordeal
Gruffi: Who knows what would have happened had the ogres captured you? You are important to us.
Grammi{sweetly}: Aw, you really mean that?
Gruffi: Of course. Who else will make our Gummiberry juice?
Grammi hurls seat cushion at Gruffi
Grammi{annoyed}: Thanks for the concern, muttonhead!
Grammi{calm}: But actually, you are right. The time has come for me to share the recipe with someone else.
Gruffi: Do not look at me. I do not know a ladle from a teaspoon. Cubbi is too young, Zummi would get it all backwards, and Tummi?
Grammi: Tummi would wolf down the ingredients before I even got started. That only leaves Sunni.
Gruffi: Naw, too flighty. And lately, no respect for Gummi traditions.
Grammi: Nonsense. Sunni is a fine young woman who respects the old values.
Sunni enters living room
Sunni: Presenting, the new Sunni!
Sunni reveals she has dyed her hair pink, shocking Grammi and Gruffi

TV Show: Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears


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