Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears Quote

Great Gummi Exodus. Hundreds of Gummi Bears are running screaming
Gummi Boy: Look Mother!
Warren is shown being subject to arson and huge plumes of smoke are rising
Gummi Old Man: Run! Run for your lives.
Gummi soldiers aid civilians in getting them on board Gummarines, large naval vessels. As Gummarines set sail, Gummi Bears look despondent to see their homes destroyed. A Gummi boy and girl look in shock as scene fades
500 years later. Faces of Gummi boy and girl are replaced with equally shocked faces of Sunni and Cubbi
Zummi: And so, the Great Gummis sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and colonized new lands; safe from the jealous humans who would steal our secrets and destroy our glorious Gummi culture.
Tummi{depressed}: I always cry at sad endings.
Tummi blows his nose with a shawl Grammi has been knitting, obviously annoying her
Cubbi: Why did our ancestors not go with them?
Zummi: Well Cubbi, a small tribe elected to stay behind. Their mission was to preserve Gummi Glen and to signal the others when it was safe to return home.
Cubbi{excitedly}: Really?! Then what?
Gruffi{sarcastic}: Then nothing. Humans stayed human, so the Great Gummis never came back.

TV Show: Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears


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