Drawn Together Quotes

Toot: While those bastards stuffed their faces at the Wienermobile, I was trapped in the closet with nothing but some old coats! And Clara's golf umbrella which I've since renamed the expandable pleasure wand...

TV Show: Drawn Together
Xandir: Wooldoor, you saved the Gay Future. I wish I could see it one last time... So beautiful... Semen.. everywhere...

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: I was deader than a racist walrus lost in the Detroit projects after dark.
[cut to a walrus surrounded by some black people]
Walrus: Don't any of you shwoogies have jobs?
Black man 1: The hell did you say!!!
Black man 2: lets get him!!!

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: Xandir, what the hell is going on?

TV Show: Drawn Together
Terminator: What's the difference between a woman with the PMS and a terrorist? - You can negotiate with the terrorist.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: So now you're from the future, too? I thought you were from a video game.
Wooldoor: HELP! He's got a gun!
Xandir: Wooldoor, wait! Come on my back! [gets tackled by cops]

TV Show: Drawn Together
Captain Hero: Hey, do you know what they call vagina in france?...Royale with Cheese

TV Show: Drawn Together
Clara: If you put your show on, it'll turn the children gayer than a magician!
Wooldoor: OH MY GOD! Wait, street or Vegas?
Clara: VEGAS!
Wooldoor: OH MY GOD!!!

TV Show: Drawn Together
Female Transformer: (In robotic voice) I did not think that could be an input! Oh!
Foxxy: It's hot, but sad. You just know that fighterplane-dinosaur was molested.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Clara: What in the name of one-dimensional characters and predictable reactions is going on here?!

TV Show: Drawn Together
Captain hero: (to the terminator) But wait, bro. I didn't get to tell you my absolute favorite things about the bagina. It bought me close to you.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: Hey look everybody, it's our new friend the singing-robo-biker
All: (singing)Welcome to Wooldoor's world, where everbody loves bagina. Every shape and size, everybody loves bagina.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: Nobody kills Wooldoor's dreams, not my close-minded parents, not my opressive 3rd grade teacher, not the tough but fair drill instructor who taught me how to be an officer and a gentleman, AND NOT YOU, TER-MIN-AT-OR FROM THE FUTURE!!!

TV Show: Drawn Together
End Credits Bonus Feature: Foxxy watching Sex Transformers.

TV Show: Drawn Together
[Clara & Capt. Hero are on a date]
Clara: Captain Hero, take me home!
Hero: What? You're not having fun?
Clara: You're making out with our waiter!

TV Show: Drawn Together
[Clara & Capt. Hero on another date]
Clara: I'm so glad you gave us a second chance.
Hero: Well, at first-
Clara: [angry] SHUT UP! [silent, more gently] I mean... shut your f**king face, my sweet.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Wooldoor: Uhh...D...O...G. Cat!
(Buzzer sounds)
Spelling Bee Judge: No I'm sorry but that's not the correct spelling of 'centrifuge'.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Spelling Bee Judge: All right Ling-Ling, if you get this wrong, the Peanuts win. Your word is...'L'.
(Since Ling-Ling doesn't speak any English, he looks at the screen [breaking fourth wall] and then forfeits by disappearing)

TV Show: Drawn Together
Clara: Can't you love me without touching me?

TV Show: Drawn Together
Snow White: That's what we get for letting Mulan drive.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Clara: Stay with me, Sleeping Beauty!
Sleeping Beauty: But... I'm tired... so... very... tired...

TV Show: Drawn Together
Charlie Brown: Oh Yeah, we beat you worse than Linus' dad beats him.
Linus: You'll protect me, won't you Blue Blanket.
Charlie Brown: Applebee's, here we come.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Toot: I'd give Spanky's left testicle for an Applebee's coupon!
Spanky: Too late..... I already gave that testicle to my one true love..... Cancer.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Spanky: Hey, look! The 7-Eleven's hiring!
Hadji: Mom and Dad got fired?

TV Show: Drawn Together
Foxxy: I was once the best speller in the land.
Judge: Miss Love, for the win and your sixth consecutive spelling bee championship, your word is "knickers."
Young Foxxy: Could you please repeat that word?
Judge: Knickers.
Young Foxxy: Use it in a sentence.
Judge: It's wrong to mix whites with colored knickers.
Young Foxxy: You racist son of a bitch! [chokes the judge]

TV Show: Drawn Together
Foxxy: YOU MAKE ME SICK! (she throws her bike helmet at a war statue instead of the statue of her)

TV Show: Drawn Together
Foxxy: Can we play the Rocky Trainin' Song?
Spanky: Only if we can afford it.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Hadji: Don't give that bitch a statue! Give her some balls!
Foxxy: What did you say, Hadji?
Hadji: You heard me, chump! I am the #1 spelling bee contender, but you're too scared to face me!
Foxxy: I ain't scared of nothin' except dyin' alone, so unless you wanna marry me, which I would like very much, I will take you any time!
Hadji: How about right now?

TV Show: Drawn Together
Spelling Bee Judge: For the win, your word is... "illogical." As in: You being allowed to compete after someone else has already won is highly illogical.
Foxxy: Illogical, y'all. I-L-L-O-G-I-C-A-L, Y-apostrophe-A-L-L. Illogical, y'all.

TV Show: Drawn Together
Clara: Do you want a bowl of chicken soup?
Wooldoor: Soup?! F**K YEAH! I LOVE THAT SH*T!

TV Show: Drawn Together