Ed Wood Quote

Bela Lugosi : Karloff? Sidekick? FUCK YOU! Karloff did not deserve to smell my shit! That limey cocksucker can rot in Hell for all I care!
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : What happened?
Bela Lugosi : How dare that asshole bring up Karloff? You think it takes talent to do Frankenstein? It's all makeup and grunting. [ Mocks Frankenstein ]
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : Bela, I agree with you 100%. Now, "Dracula," that's a role that requires talent.
Bela Lugosi : Of course. Dracula requires presence. It's all in the eyes, and the voice, and the hands...
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : [ interrupting ] That's right. That's right. You seem a little agitated. You wanna to go outside and get some air?
Bela Lugosi : Bullshit! I'm ready now! Roll the camera!

Movie: Ed Wood


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