Ed Wood Quote

Edward D. Wood, Jr. : ...and then, Dr. Vornoff falls into the pit, and his own octupus attacks and eats him. The end.
Old Man McCoy : Whew! That's quite a story.
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : Yes.
Old Man McCoy : So, uh, you made the movie, and now you wanna make it again?
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : No. We shot ten minutes of the movie, and now we're looking for completion funds.
Old Man McCoy : Oh, son, you're too vague. [ Yells to one of his butchers ]
Old Man McCoy : BILLY BOB! You're cuttin' em too lean.
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : Mr. McCoy. How can I make you happy?
Old Man McCoy : [ Spits ] Okay. Two things. Number one: I want the movie to end with a big explosion. Sky full of smoke.
Edward D. Wood, Jr. : Yes. But it ends with Dr. Vornoff falling into the pit.
Old Man McCoy : Not any more. Number two: I got a son. Little slow, but a good boy, and somethin' tells me he'd make a helluva leadin' man.

Movie: Ed Wood


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