EuroTrip Quote

Scott: [on the phone with Cooper and Jenny] Hold on, this must be my new roommate. [Scotty opens the door and finds Mieke standing there]
Cooper: [yelling over the phone] What's the freak look like? Is he a dork or is he cool? He better not be cooler than me, is he cooler than me? Is he bigger than me?
Scott: I just got your last email. What are doing here?
Mieke: Going to college.
Scott: What dorm?
Mieke: This one. Room 2-1-4.
Scott: How is this even possible?
Mieke: I guess they thought I was a guy.
Scott: Now who be dumb enough to make a mistake like that? [Scotty and Mieke begin kissing]
Cooper: [over the phone] Do I hear kissing? Are you making out with your roommate Scotty? [Scotty and Mieke fall on Scotty's bed laughing and continue to make out]
Cooper: Scotty? Scotty? SCOTTY!
Green Fairy: [Green Fairy appears] This happy ending is bull****! When does the fairy get laid? I'm outta here! [makes the words The End appear with his wand, flies away]

Movie: EuroTrip


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