Everwood Quotes

Amy: [about Dr. Brown] I wish he wasn't your father, Ephram. I wish I didn't have to think of him every time I talked to you.

TV Show: Everwood
Irv: [voiceover] Sometimes it is only with the ending of a season that a storyteller can find the most appropriate ending to his tale. As the last hours of summer crept up on Everwood, it seemed everybody was just about ready for a change. A fresh start, filled with new adventures and new friends, and some old ones, and those somewhere in between. For if death reminds us of anything, it reminds us of just how resilient the human spirit is... when it wants to be. [edit]

TV Show: Everwood
Bright: Who is that?
Page: Stacy Wilson. It's kinda hard to tell since...
Laynie: Since the hooter fairy paid her a visit.

TV Show: Everwood
Amy: Too bad you only recognize her now that she's stacked.
Bright: It's not my fault I'm shallow. It's how God made me. Blame him.

TV Show: Everwood
Delia: Dad, can I wear this shirt?
Andy: Sure. Why not?
Delia: I can't remember if I wore it yesterday.
Andy: I don't think it matters in fourth grade, honey.

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: I guess that's the one advantage of having a father who has no idea what's going on. He's too clueless to become one of the pod-parents.
Dr. Brown: Ephram! Hey Ephram! Come on down -- Duke's giving away frisbees.
Ephram: Oh God. He's become one of them.
Amy: Welcome.

TV Show: Everwood
Dr. Abbott: Ask any parent and they'll tell you their child is incredibly brilliant. One in a million of those parents might be right. Just try telling that to the other couple hundred thousand.
Dr. Brown: [After Dr. Abbott's cellphone rings to the I Dream of Jeanie theme] You know, that ring takes all the authority out of what you just said.

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: What do you want?
Bright: Nothing, just to enjoy your company. You want my pudding?
Ephram: Alright, what's the favor Bright?
Bright: What are you talking about, what favor? Ok, it's about Amy.
Ephram: No.
Bright: You don't even know what I was going to ask.
Ephram: It doesn't matter, the answer's no.
Bright: Why?
Ephram: Because whatever is going on with your sister is your business, not mine. Whenever I try to make it my business, she gets mad.

TV Show: Everwood
Bright: Keep an eye on her. Not all the time. Just... when you're not busy being a loner geek with weird t-shirts.
Ephram: You want me to stalk your sister?
Bright: You already do.

TV Show: Everwood
Bright: [To Ephram] So you know what I was thinking... If there's all these college guys who are like totally hitting on high school girls, then there's probably a whole surplus of neglected college girls who want to hit on high school guys.

TV Show: Everwood
Andy: That was fatherly advice, wasn't it?
Ephram: Not bad.
Andy: See, I really am getting better.
Ephram: Hey, Dad. One more thing... can I go to a frat party tonight?
Andy: A frat party?
Ephram: Yes, there's going to be drinking, drugs, unprotected sex. I'll probably be the youngest person there. Besides, I don't want to go. I have to.
Andy: Why?
Ephram: Because you just said that if I know something, I have to do something about it.
Andy: And so having said that, I'm all but forced to let you go to a party I never would have agreed to prior. Maybe you're getting better at this.

TV Show: Everwood
Irv: This thing you're doing with the stove. I don't understand.
Edna: I'm cooking for my children. Get over yourself.
Irv: But you don't cook. You don't even reheat.

TV Show: Everwood
Madison: Oh cool, my brother reads comic books too.
Ephram: Oh, actually they're not comic books. It's Manga. Big difference.
Madison: Anyway, he collects the dolls and all that stuff. Spiderman, The Hulk, he loves Samson Storm from X-men. He's 12, it's really cute. Do you have any?
Ephram: No, no dolls.
Delia: Yes you do, you have that guy with the red hair that you won't let me play with.
Ephram: That's not a doll, Delia. That's a collectible.

TV Show: Everwood
Nina: [about Madison] Who was that?
Ephram: Oh you mean Satan? That's Delia's new babysitter. I basically hate her.

TV Show: Everwood
Dr. Brown: I think I am a pretty good judge of people.
Ephram: Yeah? Like that maid you hired back in Manhattan that stole all the silverware?

TV Show: Everwood
Madison: Your dad says you have something to say to me.
Ephram: I apologize... Madison.
Madison: Wow, thank you Ephram. That was very manly, have a carrot stick.
[puts carrot stick in his mouth]

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: [reading his essay] The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change. I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... it feels safer somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... who knows what other pain might be out there, waiting for you. Chances are it could be even worse.

So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... except maybe yourself a little.

When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really close. Which, thank God, they never do.

But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.

TV Show: Everwood
Irv: [voiceover] They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whomever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. She makes him feel like Christmas. In exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, the mistakes she makes, or the secrets she keeps.

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: [To Delia] I still think picking a hero is overrated. You pick one, you admire them, a week later, they've been arrested.

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: So I hear you stick people with needles. Sounds like fun.
Linda: It can be, especially when they're annoying.
Ephram: Oh, so you must really like working with my dad.

TV Show: Everwood
Andy: You were right, I was wrong.
Linda: It must have caused you some physical pain for you to utter that sentence.
Andy: Just some internal bleeding.

TV Show: Everwood
Delia: My hero was born on April 29, 1958, in Wilton, Connecticut. She wore pearl earrings almost every day and wouldn't take them off, even in the shower. She was tall and beautiful and funny and her name was Julia Brown. A year and a half ago, she died, but before that happened, she did a lot of amazing things. I'd like to tell you about some of them today.

TV Show: Everwood
Reverend Keyes: God isn't meant to be understood intellectually. Sometimes he's absent on purpose. He wants us to doubt, it makes us stronger. It opens other doors. And as for tragedy, I'm not dieing you know. I've experienced more with my senses in these past 18 months than I have in my entire life. I can feel Katherine. I can touch her. I can smell her and I can hear every tiny wonderful sound she makes and I love her just the same. Maybe more.

TV Show: Everwood
Ephram: Ya know, I don't know why they call it a driving test. All they really care about is parking.
Madison: Well I wouldn't worry about it. Lots of guys ride their bikes to junior prom. Maybe your date can sit on the handlebars.

TV Show: Everwood
Amy: Well I went out with Ephram but it got kinda weird.
Bright: You guys finally hooked up?
Amy: What?! No. Why would you say something like that?
Bright: I dunno. Maybe because he's mad in love with you and has been for over the past year.

TV Show: Everwood
Bright: Guys have pride. And he's not gonna sit around playing mind-games with you forever. Soon he's gonna get tired of that, and he's gonna move on.
Amy: I'm just not ready for all the boyfriend-girlfriend stuff and I know with Ephram there'd be no in between.
Bright: Maybe not, but you could do a lot worse. People give me crap all the time for hanging out with Ephram. But I dunno, he's just like...
Amy: Funny.
Bright: Yea! The other day, he's telling me the story about how he's driving a stick for the first time right, and he's like stuck on a hill. Eckleman says: Well what gear were you in? and he says: My jeans and my t-shirt. [they laugh] I didn't even get it at first... and he's also gonna be pulling in some serious jack with his music one day... damn, maybe I should ask him out.

TV Show: Everwood
Amy: You were right Ephram, about everything. I have taken you for granted. But hey, you're a better person than I am. Everybody else sees it, I don't know why you don't. As if you didn't know this already, I'm kinda a giant mess right now. I have been ever since you've known me. I might have been more normal in Junior High, I don't know. The point is, you deserve someone great, Ephram, amazing even. Someone a little less like me and a little more like you.
Ephram: For an apology, that sounded an awful lot like a breakup.
Amy: I'm sorry I wasted your time and it would kill me to think I wasted any more of it. I want you to promise me something.
Ephram: Amy.
Amy: Promise me that you won't let me and you get in the way of you and somebody else.
Ephram: [after a long pause] I promise.

TV Show: Everwood
Irv: [voiceover] The town of Everwood was built around a silver mine opened in 1857. In 1929, like much of America, the mine closed and a lot of families learned what it meant to go without. It wasn't until another 10 years later that someone started snooping around another part of the mountain and found a kingdom's worth of coal waiting to be unraveled. The mines reopened and that many people didn't have to go hungry anymore. From silver to coal, just like that. A good example of how something you never considered before can become your whole focus and blazing new relief all of a sudden.

TV Show: Everwood
Bright: I can do this... if you'll help me. If there's any chance you're still available for help.
Chris: If you'll tell me the one person you'd like to have dinner with and why.
Bright: I don't know.
Chris: Think about it. Who's somebody you have questions for? Who do you talk to in your head?
Bright: I... I talk to Colin sometimes.
Chris: What do you say?
Bright: I just... I tell him how much more fun things were when he was here. I tell him I'm a mess, and I've pretty much screwed up all the plans that we ever had. And I wonder what he would do if he was me, 'cause, man, he could handle anything. He was, like, fearless. I... I'd tell him I miss him.
Chris: Good. That's your essay.

TV Show: Everwood
Dr. Abbott: Oh, my back hurts, my feet hurt, my clothes hurt. Starting tomorrow, I'm giving up fossil fuels.
Linda: Ohh! That was some pretty strong work today, Harry.
Dr. Abbott: Oh, thanks. Didn't do so bad yourself, using your hoodoo powers of suggestion to bamboozle that poor woman out of her pain.
Linda: I am way too tired to take that as anything but a compliment.

TV Show: Everwood