Family Double Dare Quotes

Host: In Encino Man, what actor plays the caveman?
Contestant: Paulie Shore?
Host: No, it's not Paulie Shore; this person has talent. Brendan Frasier, as a matter of fact.

Movie: Family Double Dare
Host: What's this about a police escort in New York City?
Contestant: Well, we went to see visit cousin whom we hadn't seen for 28 years and he surprised us by taking us down to one of the precinct houses. And we had two police officers -- NYPD and a New York van, police van. And they said You have these guys for the whole shift. They'll take you anywhere in Manhattan you want to go.
Host: How did you manage that?
Contestant: We're Italian.
Host: Oh, all right. No need to say anything more. You know where Jimmy Hoffa's buried, do ya?

Movie: Family Double Dare
Host: [before 2nd toss-up in which the contestants are dressed like beavers] What sound does a beaver make?
Contestant: Beaver, beaver?
Host: Oh! I see, I didn't realize.

Movie: Family Double Dare